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React-Redux TypeScript错误

[英]React-Redux TypeScript Errors

Tryign to implement TypeScript with React/Redux and I'm running into some issues with my Types. 尝试使用React / Redux实现TypeScript,我的Types遇到了一些问题。

I have these types: 我有以下几种类型:

export interface IAuthState {
  isSignedIn: Boolean | null;
  userId: string | null;

export interface IStream {
  id: string;
  title: string;
  description: string;
  userId: string;

export interface IStreamState {
  streams: { [index: string]: IStream };

Then I have two components: 然后,我有两个部分:

interface IStreamsProps {
  fetchStreams: () => void;
  streams: IStreamState;
  currentUserId: String | null;
  isSignedIn: Boolean | null;
  auth: IAuthState;

class StreamsList extends Component<IStreamsProps, IAppState> {
   // Error: The Property Map does not exist on type IStreamState
   renderList() {
       return this.props.streams.map((stream: IStream) => (// CODE)

const mapStateToProps = (state: IAppState) => {
  return {
    streams: Object.values(state.streams),
    currentUserId: state.auth.userId,
    isSignedIn: state.auth.isSignedIn

export default connect(
  { fetchStreams }

Then I have another similar component: 然后我有另一个类似的组件:

const mapStateToProps = (state: IAppState, ownProps: HomeProps) => {
  return {
    //Error: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'any' can't be used to index type 'IStreamState'
    stream: state.streams[ownProps.match.params.id]

export default connect(

How do I solve these two errors: 我该如何解决这两个错误:

Error 1: The Property Map does not exist on type IStreamState 错误1:IStreamState类型上不存在属性映射

Error 2: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'any' can't be used to index type 'IStreamState' 错误2:元素隐式具有“ any”类型,因为类型“ any”的表达式不能用于索引类型“ IStreamState”

You incorrectly defined IStreamState . 您错误地定义了IStreamState Look closely. 仔细看。 You've defined it as an object 您已将其定义为对象

export interface IStreamState {
  streams: { [index: string]: IStream }[];
// equivalent declaration using type:
export type IStreamState = { 
  streams: { [index: string]: IStream }[]

I'm sure you mean to type it as just an array, as so: 我确定您的意思是将其键入为仅数组,如下所示:

export type IStreamState = { [index: string]: IStream }[]

EDIT: While not directly related to your question, you need to be careful with your types. 编辑:虽然与您的问题没有直接关系,但是您需要小心自己的类型。 I noticed you used IAppState in two different places. 我注意到您在两个不同的地方使用了IAppState The class declarations are for props and local state. 类声明适用于道具和当地状态。 IAppState appears to be for your redux store. IAppState似乎适用于您的Redux存储。

// the second generic argument is for `this.state`
class StreamsList extends Component<IStreamsProps, IAppState> {

EDIT2: Defining both arguments in a class is optional. EDIT2:定义一个类中的两个参数是可选的。 If you leave the second one out, it defaults to {} for you. 如果您省略第二个,则默认为{}

It's impossible to be 100% sure as to why you're having that issue in your mapStateToProps , because I don't know what IAppState looks like. 无法确定您为什么在mapStateToProps遇到该问题,因为我不知道IAppState是什么样子。 Just go double back and confirm your typing for state.streams is exactly what you expect. 只需再次返回并确认您键入state.streams就是您所期望的。

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