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[英]I can't connect vue to my Laravel blade view

I am trying to connect my app vue with Laravel, I was able to achieve it with the "users" route but when trying to connect the second part, I can't do it, it just doesn't allow me to connect, I don't know if I'm doing things wrong, I'm new using vue. 我正在尝试将我的App Vue与Laravel连接起来,我能够通过“用户”路线实现它,但是当尝试连接第二部分时,我做不到,只是不允许我连接,不知道我做错了什么,我是使用vue的新手。

When I connect #crudUsuarios everything works but when I connect #crudLessons data is not shown. 当我连接#crudUsuarios时,一切正常,但是当我连接#crudLessons时,未显示数据。 I tried the routes and they actually work, they return the data I want, however when connected it shows nothing. 我尝试了这些路线,它们实际上起作用了,它们返回了我想要的数据,但是当连接时它什么也没显示。

I also get an error in the view that is not where it shows "#crudUsarios" Error: app.js: 2626 [Vue warn]: Cannot find element: #crudUsuarios 我还在视图中未显示“ #crudUsarios”的位置出现错误:app.js:2626 [Vue警告]:找不到元素:#crudUsuarios

app.js app.js

// require('./bootstrap');

window.Vue = require('vue');

window.moment = require('moment');

window.axios = require('axios');

// import toastr from 'toastr'

 * Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance and attach it to
 * the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
 * or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.

Vue.component('example-component', require('./components/ExampleComponent.vue'));

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#crudUsuarios',

    created: function()

    data: {
        time: moment().format('Y-M-d H:mm:ss'),
        users: [],
        newName: '', newfLastName : '', newsLastName : '', newAge : '', newEmail: '', newCellphone : '', newPassword: '',
        fillUser: {'id' : '', 'slug': '', 'name' : '','fLastName' : '','sLastName' : '','age' : '','email' : '', 'cellphone' : '', 'password' : ''},
        getUser: {'id' : '', 'slug': '','name' : '','fLastName' : '','sLastName' : '','age' : '','email' : '', 'cellphone' : '', 'password' : ''},
        errors: []

    methods: {
        getUsers: function()
            //Aqui es donde conecta a la ruta para jalar los datos
            var urlUsers = 'users';
            axios.get(urlUsers).then(response =>{
                this.users = response.data

        editUser: function(user){
            this.fillUser.id = user.id;
            this.fillUser.name = user.name;
            this.fillUser.fLastName = user.fLastName;
            this.fillUser.sLastName = user.sLastName;
            this.fillUser.age = user.age;
            this.fillUser.email = user.email;
            this.fillUser.cellphone = user.cellphone;
            this.fillUser.password = user.password;

        updateUser: function(id){
            // alert('Nada man');
            var url = 'users/' + id;
            axios.put(url, this.fillUser).then(response => {
                this.fillUser = {'id' : '','name' : '','fLastName' : '','sLastName' : '','age' : '','email' : '', 'cellphone' : '', 'password' : ''};
                this.errors = [];
                toastr.success('Usuario actualizado con éxito');
            }).catch(error => {
                this.errors = error.response.data

        deleteUser: function(user)
            var url = 'users/' + user.id;

            if (confirm("¿Eliminar usuario?") == true) {
                axios.delete(url).then(response => {
                    toastr.success('Usuario eliminado con éxito');
            } else {


        createUser: function()
            var url = 'users';
            axios.post(url, {
                name: this.newName,
                fLastName: this.newfLastName,
                sLastName: this.newsLastName,
                age: this.newAge,
                email: this.newEmail,
                cellphone: this.newCellphone,
                password: this.newPassword
            }).then(response => {
                //Vaciar los campos de creacón una vez creado el usuario.
                this.newName= '', this.newfLastName= '', this.newsLastName = '', this.newAge = '', this.newEmail= '', this.newCellphone = '', this.newPassword= '',
                this.errors = [];
                toastr.success('Nuevo usuario creado con éxito');

                // Código para que no se quede activo el MODAL
                if ($('.modal-backdrop').is(':visible')) {

            }).catch(error => {
                this.errors = error.response.data

        showUser: function (user) {

            var url = 'users/'+user.id;
            axios.get(url).then(response =>{

                // alert('nada de nada');
                this.getUser.id = user.id;
                this.getUser.slug = user.slug;
                this.getUser.name = user.name;
                this.getUser.fLastName = user.fLastName;
                this.getUser.sLastName = user.sLastName;
                this.getUser.age = user.age;
                this.getUser.email = user.email;
                this.getUser.cellphone = user.cellphone;
                this.getUser.password = user.password;
                this.getUser.created_at = user.created_at;


// /var urlUsers = 'https://randomuser.me/api/?results=10';
const app = new Vue({
    el: '#crudLessons',

    created: function()

    data: {
        lessons: [],
        // newName: '', newfLastName : '', newsLastName : '', newAge : '', newEmail: '', newCellphone : '', newPassword: '',
        // fillUser: {'id' : '','name' : '','fLastName' : '','sLastName' : '','age' : '','email' : '', 'cellphone' : '','password' : ''},
        getLesson: {'id' : '','fecha' : '','inicio' : '','final' : '', 'user_name' : '', 'user_fLastName' : '', 'user_sLastName' : '', 'user_email' : '', 'user_cellphone' : '', 'created_at' : ''},
        errors: []
    methods: {
        getLessons: function()
            //Aqui es donde conecta a la ruta para jalar los datos
            var urlLessons = 'lessons';
            axios.get(urlLessons).then(response =>{
                this.lessons = response.data


index.blade.php index.blade.php



<div class="col-lg-12" id="crudLessons">

    <div class="card">

       <h4> @{{ $data }} </h4>



LessonsController.php LessonsController.php

public function index()
//        $products = Lesson::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get();
        $products = Lesson::with('user')->OrderBy('id', 'DESC')->get();

        return $products;


You need to have a div with an ID corresponding to the ID you're attaching the Vue instance to using the el attribute 您需要有一个div,其ID对应于您使用el属性将Vue实例附加到的ID

<div id="crudUsuarios">
  @{{ data }}

Side Note 边注

  • You're defining const app as a Vue Instance twice in your app.js 您在app.js两次将const app定义为Vue实例

A constant should only exist once by the same name 一个常数只能以相同的名称存在一次

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