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React 钩子正在覆盖对象数组

[英]React hooks are overwritting object array

I'm trying to code a chatbot interface using React hooks and Wit.ai.我正在尝试使用 React hooks 和 Wit.ai 编写一个聊天机器人界面。

I have tried setting the messages imperatively (setMessages([...messages, currentValue]) but that doesn't work either. Here's the code:我试过命令式设置消息 (setMessages([...messages, currentValue]) 但这也不起作用。这是代码:

const [currentValue, setCurrentValue] = useState('');
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);

const handleChange = (event) => {
    setCurrentValue(event.target.value); // handling input change

const sendMessage = (event) => {
    if (currentValue.trim() !== '' || currentValue.trim().length > 1) {
        witClient.message(currentValue).then(data => {
            setMessages(() => [...messages, {text: currentValue, sender: 'user'}]); // here i set the user message
            if (data.entities) {
                setMessages(() => [...messages, {text: 'message from bot', sender: 'bot'}]); // this line seems to overwrite the user message with the bot message

When I handle the bots response it overwrites the users message.当我处理机器人响应时,它会覆盖用户消息。

Since you are relying on prior values you can use functional pattern for setting state like below:由于您依赖于先验值,您可以使用功能模式来设置状态,如下所示:

Docs: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#functional-updates文档: https : //reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#functional-updates

        setMessages((priorMessages) => [...priorMessages, {text: currentValue, sender: 'user'}]);
        if (data.entities) {
            setMessages((priorMessages) => [...priorMessages, {text: 'message from bot', sender: 'bot'}]);

When you access messages after the if statement you're actually overwritting the first changes, cause [...messages, {text: currentValue, sender: 'user'}] will only be reflected in the next render .当您在if statement之后访问messages ,您实际上是在覆盖第一次更改,导致[...messages, {text: currentValue, sender: 'user'}]只会反映在下一个render Set your changes all at once to prevent this一次性设置所有更改以防止出现这种情况

const sendMessage = (event) => {
    if (currentValue.trim() !== '' || currentValue.trim().length > 1) {
        witClient.message(currentValue).then(data => {
            let newMessages = [...messages, {text: currentValue, sender: 'user'}]
            if (data.entities) {
                newMessages = newMessages.concat({text: 'message from bot', sender: 'bot'})

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