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在Rstudio Cloud中安装mxnet软件包

[英]Install mxnet package in Rstudio Cloud

I want to install the package mxnet on Rstudio Cloud , which is the cloud version of Rstudio. 我想安装的软件包mxnetRstudio云 ,这是Rstudio的云版本。 I tried it first with R 3.6, then R 3.5.3, neither worked. 我先使用R 3.6进行了尝试,然后使用R 3.5.3进行了尝试,但均没有效果。 I tried to install from with this piece of code: 我试图从这段代码安装:

cran <- getOption("repos")
cran["dmlc"] <- "https://apache-mxnet.s3-accelerate.dualstack.amazonaws.com/R/CRAN/"
cran["dmlc"] <- "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/apache-mxnet/R/CRAN/"
options(repos = cran)

I got a 404 error file not found. 我没有找到404错误文件。 Then i tried downloading the .tar.gz installation file associated with LInux/R/CPU, and it also gave an error: 然后,我尝试下载与LInux / R / CPU关联的.tar.gz安装文件,它也给出了一个错误:

ERROR: cannot extract package from '/cloud/project/apache-mxnet-src-1.5.0-incubating.tar.gz' 错误:无法从“ /cloud/project/apache-mxnet-src-1.5.0-incubating.tar.gz”中提取软件包

Here is my session info: 这是我的会话信息:

R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 I need to get this package installed and running on Rstudio Cloud. 我需要在Rstudio Cloud上安装并运行此软件包。

RStudio Cloud is linux based RStudio Cloud基于Linux

Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

The snippet you use is instruction for R on Windows CPU platform . 您使用的代码段是Windows CPU平台上R的指令。 R on Linux instruction there says to build it from source which wouldn't work on the cloud. 那里的R on Linux指令说要从无法在云上运行的源代码构建它 Seems like no CRAN repo currently has binaries of the linux version of the mxnet package. 似乎没有CRAN库目前具有mxnet软件包的linux版本的二进制文件。

RStudio Cloud gives you access to the terminal and you can even download the sources for mxnet, but to build it you need sudo which the terminal doesn't provide so building from source stops on ./install_mxnet_ubuntu_r.sh command here: RStudio Cloud使您可以访问终端,甚至可以下载mxnet的源代码,但是要构建它,您需要终端不提供的sudo ,因此从源代码开始的构建会./install_mxnet_ubuntu_r.sh命令中停止:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet.git mxnet
cd mxnet/docs/install

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