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[英]Run function in ViewModel when TextBox loses focus?

I currently have the following code to define a TextBox in a grid (the grid is populated based on data, so is also inside a DataTemplate): 我目前有以下代码来在网格中定义TextBox(网格是根据数据填充的,因此也在DataTemplate内部):

    Text="{Binding BatchNumber, Mode=TwoWay}"
    <!-- LostFocus="TextBox_LostFocus" -->

I'd like to run a function in my ViewModel when the textbox loses focus. 当文本框失去焦点时,我想在ViewModel中运行一个函数。 Using the LostFocus property, and binding to a function name, causes a runtime error of: 使用LostFocus属性并绑定到函数名称会导致以下运行时错误:

A 'Binding' can only be set on a DependencyProperty of a DependencyObject 只能在DependencyObject的DependencyProperty上设置“绑定”

As such, I'm looking for details on how to run a ViewModel function when focus is lost. 因此,我正在寻找有关失去焦点时如何运行ViewModel函数的详细信息。

In your ViewModel try to add: 在您的ViewModel中尝试添加:

//Public property
public ICommand MyCommand { get; set; }

//In the constructor 
MyCommand = new RelayCommand(DoSometing);

//Private method to handle lost focus
private void DoSometing(){
//Do someting

Then call MyCommand in your xaml. 然后在您的xaml中调用MyCommand。

LostFocus="{Binding MyCommand}"

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