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[英]Update and Use redux state in sibling react components

I have a component called <App/> , it is a parent component with two children inside it ie <Header/> and <Main/> So the things looks like this 我有一个名为<App/>的组件,它是一个父组件,其中有两个子组件,即<Header/><Main/>所以事情看起来像这样

 <Main />

When my Header component mounts I set some redux state inside componentDidMount() Then I tried to use that state in my <Main/> componentDidMount() but my state is always empty in Main component however I already set that in Header component. 当安装Header组件时,我在componentDidMount()设置了一些redux状态,然后尝试在<Main/> componentDidMount()使用该状态,但是我的状态在Main组件中始终为空,但是我已经在Header组件中设置了该状态。

You are confusing component state and store state. 您正在混淆组件状态和存储状态。

You need to use react-redux connect or useSelector / useDispatch to connect both components with your store state. 您需要使用react-redux connectuseSelector / useDispatch来将两个组件与您的存储状态连接起来。

Also you would need an <Provider store={store}></Provider> to provide the store context to your components. 另外,您还需要一个<Provider store={store}></Provider>来为您的组件提供商店上下文。

You should really read the React Redux and Redux documentation, to get the idea. 您应该真正阅读React ReduxRedux文档,以了解它。

代替使用componentDidMount()< Main />部件尝试使用componentDidUpdate()来检查状态。

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