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[英]xquery “Content for update is empty”

This is the first time I've run into the Xquery (3.1) error Content for update is empty and a search on Google returns nothing useful. 这是我第一次遇到Xquery(3.1)错误Content for update is empty ,在Google上进行的搜索没有任何用处。

If I run this simple query to identify nested /tei:p/tei:p : 如果我运行此简单查询以标识嵌套的/tei:p/tei:p

for $x in $mycollection//tei:p/tei:p
return $x

I get XML fragments like the following: 我得到如下的XML片段:

<p xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"/>
<p xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">Histoires qui sont maintenant du passé (Konjaku monogatari shū). Traduction, introduction et
commentaires de Bernard Frank, Paris, Gallimard/UNESCO, 1987 [1re éd. 1968] (Connaissance de
l'Orient, Série japonaise, 17), p. 323. </p>
<p xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">Ed. Chavannes, Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du Tripitaka chinois, Paris, t. 4,
1934, Notes complémentaires..., p. 147.</p>
<p xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"/>
<p xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">Ed. Chavannes, Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du Tripitaka chinois, Paris, t. 4,
1934, Notes complémentaires..., p. 129.</p>

ie some with text() and others empty 即一些与text()和其他为empty

I am trying to "de-duplicate" the /tei:p/tei:p , but the following attempts return the same aforementioned error: 我正在尝试“ /tei:p/tei:p重复” /tei:p/tei:p ,但是以下尝试返回相同的上述错误:

for $x in $mycollection//tei:p/tei:p
return update replace $x with $x/(text()|*)

for $x in $mycollection//tei:p/tei:p
let $y := $x/(text()|*)
return update replace $x with $y

I don't understand what the error is trying to tell me in order to correct the query. 我不明白该错误试图告诉我什么以更正查询。

Many, many thanks. 非常感谢。

edit: 编辑:

for $x in $mycollection//tei:p[tei:p and count(node()) eq 1]
let $y := $x/tei:p
return update replace $x with $y

I also tried this, replacing parent with self axis, which resulted in a very ambiguous error exerr:ERROR node not found : 我也尝试过使用parent轴替换self轴,这导致非常模棱两可的错误exerr:ERROR node not found

for $x in $mycollection//tei:p/tei:p
let $y := $x/self::*
return update replace $x/parent::* with $y

solution: 解:

for $x in $local:COLLECTIONS//tei:p/tei:p
return if ($x/(text()|*))
        then update replace $x with $x/(text()|*)
        else update delete $x

The error message indicates that $y is an empty sequence. 错误消息表明$y为空序列。 The XQuery Update documentation describes the replace statement as follows: XQuery Update文档描述了replace语句,如下所示:

 update replace expr with exprSingle 

Replaces the nodes returned by expr with the nodes in exprSingle . expr返回的节点替换为exprSingle的节点。 expr must evaluate to a single element, attribute, or text node. expr必须求值为单个元素,属性或文本节点。 If it is an element, exprSingle must contain a single element node... 如果它是一个元素,则exprSingle必须包含一个元素节点。

In certain cases, as shown in your sample data above, $y would return an empty sequence - which would violate the rule that expr must evaluate to a single element. 在某些情况下,如上面的示例数据所示, $y将返回一个空序列-这将违反expr必须求值为单个元素的规则。

To work around such cases, you can add a conditional expression, with an else clause of either an empty sequence () or a delete statement: 要解决这种情况,您可以添加条件表达式,并在else子句中使用空序列()或delete语句:

if ($y instance of element()) then 
    update replace $x with $y
    update delete $x

If your goal is not simply to workaround the error, but to arrive at a more direct solution for replacing "double-nested" elements such as: 如果您的目标不是简单地解决错误,而是找到更直接的解决方案来替换“双重嵌套”元素,例如:

<p><p>Mixed <hi>content</hi>.</p></p>

.... with: ....具有:

<p>Mixed <hi>content</hi>.</p>

... I'd suggest this query, which takes care not to inadvertently delete nodes that might somehow have slipped in between the two nested <p> elements: ...我建议使用此查询,该查询应注意不要无意中删除可能以某种方式滑入两个嵌套<p>元素之间的节点:

xquery version "3.1";

declare namespace tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0";

for $x in $mycollection//tei:p[tei:p and count(node()) eq 1]
let $y := $x/tei:p
    update replace $x with $y

Given a $mycollection such as this: 给定这样的$mycollection

<text xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <p><p>Hello there</p></p>
    <p>Hello <p>there</p></p>

The query will transform the collection to be as follows: 查询将转换集合如下:

<text xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    <p>Hello there</p>
    <p>Hello <p>there</p></p>

This is the expected result for the query, because only the 2nd <p> element had the nested <p> that could be cleanly stripped off. 这是查询的预期结果,因为只有第二个<p>元素具有可以完全剥离的嵌套<p> Obviously, if you can assume your content meets simpler patterns, you can remove the and count(node()) eq 1 condition. 显然,如果可以假设您的内容符合更简单的模式,则可以删除and count(node()) eq 1条件。

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