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如何检查是否 <td> 元素在带有Typescript的Angular + Protractor e2e测试中具有colspan属性

[英]How to check if a <td> element has got colspan attribute in Angular+Protractor e2e testing with typescript

How to check if a element has got colspan attribute in Angular+Protractor e2e testing with typescript 如何使用TypeScript在Angular + Protractor e2e测试中检查元素是否具有colspan属性

i tried the following, but doesnt seems to be working 我尝试了以下操作,但似乎没有用

const colspan = await cols[0].getAttribute('colspan');

have you tried switching the way you locate the element? 您是否尝试过切换元素的定位方式?
I don't know how you declared cols but I assume you could do something like this: 我不知道您如何声明cols但我想您可以做这样的事情:

const colspan = await cols.get(0).getAttribute('colspan');

Also share the html element and what error it throws you so we can help you better 同时分享html元素以及它会引发什么错误,以便我们更好地帮助您

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