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检查 ExecutableElement 的返回类型是 Collection 的子类型

[英]Check return type of ExecutableElement is subtype of Collection

I have an ExecutableElement representing a getter, an example is the one below.我有一个代表 getter 的ExecutableElement ,下面是一个例子。

public List<String> getStrings();

The only method that allows me to get the details of the return type is ExecutableElement.getReturnType() .允许我获取返回类型详细信息的唯一方法是ExecutableElement.getReturnType() It gives me back a TypeMirror .它给了我一个TypeMirror

I could not find anything that allows me to check if TypeMirror returned is a subtype of Collection .我找不到任何可以让我检查返回的TypeMirror是否是Collection的子类型的东西。 What can I do to verify that?我能做些什么来验证这一点? I am trying to generate the source code to call one of the methods in Collection .我正在尝试生成源代码以调用Collection中的方法之一。

You could have a look at org.netbeans.modules.java.hints.jdk.mapreduce.PreconditionsChecker你可以看看 org.netbeans.modules.java.hints.jdk.mapreduce.PreconditionsChecker

private boolean isIterbale(ExpressionTree expression) {
    TypeMirror tm = workingCopy.getTrees().getTypeMirror(TreePath.getPath(workingCopy.getCompilationUnit(), expression));
    if (!Utilities.isValidType(tm)) {
        return false;
    if (tm.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY) {
        return false;
    } else {
        tm = workingCopy.getTypes().erasure(tm);
        TypeElement typeEl = workingCopy.getElements().getTypeElement("java.util.Collection");
        if (typeEl != null) {
            TypeMirror collection = typeEl.asType();
            collection = workingCopy.getTypes().erasure(collection);
            if (this.workingCopy.getTypes().isSubtype(tm, collection)) {
                return true;

    return false;

PreconditionsChecker 先决条件检查器

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