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在多维数组中查找值。 3级深

[英]Find value in multidimensional array. 3 levels deep

I have an array more or less like this 我或多或少有这样的数组

        'id': 14,
        question_asked_groups: [
                'id': 11,
                questions_asked: [
                      'id': 10,
                      'list_id': 147,
                      'answer': "A lot of the time"
                      'id': '11',
                      'list_id': 148,
                      'answer': "Quite often"
                'id': 22,
                questions_asked: [
                      'id': 13,
                      'list_id': 188,
                      'answer': "Never"
                      'id': '14',
                      'list_id': 190,
                      'answer': "Yesterday"

I need to set the correct button (answer) as active. 我需要将正确的按钮(答案)设置为活动状态。 The array is a collection of all answered questions structured in a array as 数组是数组中所有已回答问题的集合,结构如下
questionnaire -> question_asked_groups -> questions_asked questionnaire -> question_asked_groups -> questions_asked

So while loading the screen with all the buttons, when any button is loaded I want to take its id ( 147 for example ) and search for it in the questionnaires array and return the answer 因此,在使用所有按钮加载屏幕时,当加载任何按钮时,我想获取其ID(例如147)并在questionnaires数组中搜索它并返回answer

Hope that makes sense. 希望有道理。 I will expand the question if you have questions. 如果您有任何问题,我将扩大问题。

I have tried a implementation of something I though was similar. 我尝试过实现与我相似的东西。

_find(array, list_id) {
    let object;

    array.some(function f(a) {
        if (a.list_id === list_id) {
            object = a;
            return true;
        if (Array.isArray(a.items)) {
            return a.items.some(f);
    return object;

But cant make it work. 但是不能使其工作。

PS. PS。 Not sure if there is a lodash solutions for this type of thing. 不知道这种事情是否有lodash解决方案。 I have seen solutions like this but fails aswell. 我曾见过这样的解决方案这样 ,但藏汉失败。

I'd first map to an array of arrays of the question_asked_groups , and then flatten with .flat - then, you can find the right object with .find : 我首先map到一个question_asked_groups数组的数组,然后使用.flat展平-然后,您可以使用.find找到合适的对象:

 const questionnaires=[{id:14,question_asked_groups:[{id:11,questions_asked:[{id:10,list_id:147,answer:"A lot of the time"},{id:"11",list_id:148,answer:"Quite often"}]},{id:22,questions_asked:[{id:13,list_id:188,answer:"Never"},{id:"14",list_id:190,answer:"Yesterday"}]}]}]; const allQuestionsAsked = questionnaires.map( ({ question_asked_groups }) => question_asked_groups.map( ({ questions_asked }) => questions_asked ) ).flat(2); console.log( allQuestionsAsked.find(({ list_id }) => list_id === 147).answer ); 

For older browsers, either include a polyfill, or use a different method: 对于较旧的浏览器,要么包含一个polyfill,要么使用其他方法:

 const questionnaires=[{id:14,question_asked_groups:[{id:11,questions_asked:[{id:10,list_id:147,answer:"A lot of the time"},{id:"11",list_id:148,answer:"Quite often"}]},{id:22,questions_asked:[{id:13,list_id:188,answer:"Never"},{id:"14",list_id:190,answer:"Yesterday"}]}]}]; const allQuestionsAsked = []; questionnaires.forEach( ({ question_asked_groups }) => question_asked_groups.forEach( ({ questions_asked }) => allQuestionsAsked.push(...questions_asked) ) ); console.log( allQuestionsAsked.find(({ list_id }) => list_id === 147).answer ); 

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