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[英]Custom struct with casting to another type in C#

I have a struct currently that i can cast to another type like this: 我目前有一个结构,可以将其转换为其他类型:

    public static implicit operator Vector2(Complex a)
        return new Vector2(a.Real,a.Imaginary);

At the moment how ever this is allowed automatically: 目前如何自动允许:

Vector2 a = new Complex(b,c); //valid

But i would prefer it did not automatically allow this. 但我希望它不会自动允许这样做。 But rather only allow: 但只能允许:

Vector2 a = (Vector2) new Complex(b,c);

How can i have a restricted casting with this kinda behaviour for my struct the same way floats casting to ints work? 如何将浮点型转换为int的方式对结构进行这种类型的行为的受限转换?

Just change the implicit to explicit : 只需将implicit explicit更改为explicit implicit即可:

public static explicit operator Vector2(Complex a)

The implicit part tells the compiler that it can do it without the code specifying the conversion. implicit部分告诉编译器无需代码即可指定转换即可完成此操作。 See the Microsoft documentation for user-defined operators for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见Microsoft文档中有关用户定义的运算符的信息。

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