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[英]I want to write a test that will definitely tell if the mock-method was called

I have a method: 我有一个方法:

public class CreateNewAccountUseCase
    private readonly IAccountRepository _accountRepository;

    public CreateNewAccountUseCase(IAccountRepository accountRepository)
        _accountRepository = accountRepository;

    public virtual async Task Execute(Account account)
       await _accountRepository.Create(account);

I use it in the controller: 我在控制器中使用它:

public async Task<ActionResult<AccountModel>>  CreateAccount([FromBody]CreatingAccount creatingAccount)
    var account = creatingAccount.ConvertToAccount();

    await _createNewAccountUseCase.Execute(account);

    return Created($"/accounts/{account.Id}", account);

I want to be sure that the UseCase method will be exactly called. 我想确保UseCase方法将被正确调用。

I wrote this controller test: 我写了这个控制器测试:

public async Task Create()
    // arrange
    var account = new CreatingAccount();

    var accountRepository = new Mock<IAccountRepository>();
    var createNewAccountUseCase = new Mock<CreateNewAccountUseCase>(accountRepository.Object);

    createNewAccountUseCase.Setup(m => m.Execute(account)).Returns(Task.CompletedTask);

    // act
    await controller.CreateAccount(account);
    // assert
    createNewAccountUseCase.Verify(m => m.Execute(account), Times.Once);

I expect createNewAccountUseCase.Verify() to check if the method has been method but I get failed test with a message: 我期望createNewAccountUseCase.Verify()检查该方法是否为方法,但测试失败并显示以下消息:

Moq.MockException : 
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: m => m.Execute(account)

Performed invocations:
Mock<CreateNewAccountUseCase:1> (m):
No invocations performed.

How do I make sure the method (createNewAccountUseCase.Verify()) is called? 如何确保方法(createNewAccountUseCase.Verify())被调用?

You are mocking the subject under test. 您正在嘲笑被测对象。 Instead mock the dependency and invoked the method under test 而是模拟依赖项并调用测试中的方法

public async Task Create() {
    // arrange
    var account = new CreatingAccount();

    var accountRepository = new Mock<IAccountRepository>();
    accountRepository.Setup(m => m.Create(It.IsAny<Account>())).Returns(Task.CompletedTask);

    var createNewAccountUseCase = new CreateNewAccountUseCase(accountRepository.Object);

    // act
    await createNewAccountUseCase.Execute(account.ConvertToAccount());

    // assert
    accountRepository.Verify(m => m.Create(It.IsAny<Account>()), Times.Once);

The assertion can then be done on the repository mock to verify that the method behaves as expected. 然后可以在存储库模拟中进行断言,以验证该方法的行为是否符合预期。

In the controller test of your question you could have used the mock use case but your also need to make sure that it was injected into the controller. 在您的问题的控制器测试中,您可能已经使用了模拟用例,但还需要确保已将其注入到控制器中。

But your example showed no such injection. 但是您的示例未显示此类注入。

The following example creates the controller and explicitly injects the dependency 以下示例创建控制器并显式注入依赖项

public async Task Create() {
    // arrange
    var account = new CreatingAccount();

    var accountRepository = new Mock<IAccountRepository>();
    accountRepository.Setup(m => m.Create(It.IsAny<Account>())).Returns(Task.CompletedTask);
    var createNewAccountUseCase = new CreateNewAccountUseCase(accountRepository.Object);

    var controller = new MyController(createNewAccountUseCase);

    // act
    await controller.CreateAccount(account);

    // assert
    accountRepository.Verify(m => m.Create(It.IsAny<Account>()), Times.Once);


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