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[英]JNA: Computed size of char array member of a struct is surprising

Can someone explain to me why the following structure size is 16 ? 有人可以向我解释为什么以下结构尺寸为16吗?

public class StringStruct extends Structure {
  public char[] data = new char[4];

  public StringStruct() {}

  protected List<String> getFieldOrder() {
    return Collections.singletonList("data");

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    StringStruct ss = new StringStruct();

    // Prints StringStruct: 16
    // I was expecting 4...
    System.out.println("StringStruct: " + ss.size());



I want to model structures which own their data 我想对拥有其数据的结构进行建模

typedef struct {
   char data[4];
} StringStruct_s

If I use a byte array instead, it returns the expected value. 如果我改用字节数组,它将返回期望值。 Still, the char array size is really surprising to me. 但是,char数组的大小对我来说确实是令人惊讶的。 Is the field interpreted as owning an encoded String ? 该字段被解释为拥有编码的String吗? So, I launched this executable with various explicit encodings ( -Djna.encoding="..." ) to see if it had an effect. 因此,我使用各种显式编码( -Djna.encoding="..." )启动了该可执行文件,以查看其是否起作用。 No change... 没变...

In JNA , Java char can be mapped to either 16-bit or 32-bit character. JNA ,Java字符可以映射到16-bit32-bit字符。

It means that you have: 32/8 * 4 = 16 这意味着您拥有: 32/8 * 4 = 16

https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/www/Mappings.md https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/www/Mappings.md

Try something like this on your machine 在您的机器上尝试类似的操作

int main() {

Update 更新资料

As mentioned by @Daniel, it's worth noting that mapping C based char should be done via byte . 正如@Daniel所提到的,值得注意的是,基于Cchar映射应通过byte来完成。

For this class 对于这个班

interface CLibrary extends Library {

  public CLibrary.Data.ByVal GetDataValue();
  public CLibrary.Data.ByRef GetDataAllocated();

  public class Data extends Structure {

    public static final List<String> FIELDS =  List.of("array");

    public static class ByVal extends Data implements Structure.ByValue {}

    public static class ByRef extends Data implements Structure.ByReference {}

    public byte[] array = new byte[4];

    protected List<String> getFieldOrder() {
      return FIELDS;

you will get size as expected: 4 您会得到预期的大小: 4

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