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[英]How to add new certificate for a listener of an Azure Application gateway with Python

everyone. 大家。

I am a beginner on Internet and Azure. 我是Internet和Azure的初学者。 I have a question about adding a certificate to a listener of an Azure application gateway with Python. 我有一个关于使用Python向Azure应用程序网关的侦听器添加证书的问题。 I describe my problem in detail as follows. 我将详细描述我的问题,如下所示。

1. Background 1.背景

The Azure environment I use is: 我使用的Azure环境是:

Resource group name: My_ResourceGroup
Subscription ID: sub_id
Tenant ID: tenant_id
Client: my_client
Service principal password: sp_password

2. Top-domain and sub-domain 2.顶级域名和子域名

In resource group My_ResourceGroup , there are two Azure DNS providers with zones contoso.com and chen.contoso.com respectively. 在资源组My_ResourceGroup ,有两个Azure DNS提供程序,分别具有区域contoso.comchen.contoso.com The contoso.com is the top domain while the chen.contoso.com is the sub-domain. contoso.com是顶级域名,而chen.contoso.com是子域名。

For chen.contoso.com , I created an A record with name www and IP (note that this IP is just used for testing). 对于chen.contoso.com ,我创建了一个名称为www和IP的A记录(请注意,该IP仅用于测试)。 I also generated a certificate ( cert.pfx file) for this domain in order to use HTTPS. 我还为此域生成了一个证书( cert.pfx文件)以使用HTTPS。

3. Install cert.pfx certificate to a listener 3.将cert.pfx证书安装到侦听器

I have a off-the-shelf Azure application gateway contoso-appgw in resource group My_ResourceGroup . 我在资源组My_ResourceGroup有一个现成的Azure应用程序网关contoso-appgw My_ResourceGroup In this gateway, there is a listener contoso-appgw-hl and there has been a certificate cert0.pfx in this listener . 在此网关中,有一个侦听器contoso-appgw-hl并且在此侦听器中存在证书cert0.pfx

What I want to do is appending (or, installing) the cert.pfx certificate to the listener contoso-appgw-hl with Azure Python SDK. 我想做的是使用Azure Python SDK将cert.pfx证书附加(或安装)到侦听器contoso-appgw-hl After this operation, there should be two certificates in listener contoso-appgw-hl : cert0.pfx (the old one) and cert.pfx (the new one). 完成此操作后,侦听器contoso-appgw-hl应该有两个证书: cert0.pfx (旧证书)和cert.pfx (新证书)。

4. My code and the references 4.我的代码和参考

My Python code is as follows: 我的Python代码如下:

from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.network import NetworkManagementClient

# Replace this with your subscription id
subscription_id = 'sub_id'

# Tenant ID for your Azure subscription
TENANT_ID = 'tenant_id'

# Your service principal App ID
CLIENT = 'client'

# Your service principal password
KEY = 'sp_password'

credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
        client_id = CLIENT,
        secret = KEY,
        tenant = TENANT_ID

network_client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)

        'location': 'East US 2',
        'http_listeners': [
                'name': 'contoso-appgw-hl',
                'protocol': 'Https',

                'ssl_certificate': {
                    'data': 'cert.pfx',
                    'name': 'chenkui',
                    'password': '123abc'

I wrote my code based on the following resources: 我基于以下资源编写了代码:

  1. Sample code: azure application manage sample code 示例代码: Azure应用程序管理示例代码
  2. Azure document: definition of create_or_update function Azure文档: create_or_update函数的定义

Note that the cert.pfx in my code is a Base-64 format certificate because based on the document a Base-64 format certificate is needed. 请注意,我的代码中的cert.pfx是Base-64格式的证书,因为基于文档需要Base-64格式的证书。

5. Error message 5.错误讯息

The above code is failed. 上面的代码失败。 The error message shown in Azure Portal --> contoso-appgw --> Activity log of the above code is: 上面代码的Azure Portal --> contoso-appgw --> Activity log中显示的错误消息是:

Operation name:
    Create or Update Application Gateway

Error code:

    Cannot parse the request.

Even I use the Azure Portal (ie instead of using Python code, use GUI Portal in browser), adding the certificate is also failed. 即使我使用Azure门户(即,不使用Python代码,也要在浏览器中使用GUI门户),添加证书也会失败。 The error message shown in Azure Portal --> contoso-appgw --> Activity log is: Azure Portal --> contoso-appgw --> Activity log显示的错误消息是:

Operation name:
    Create or Update Application Gateway

Error code: 

    Data must be specified for Certificate /subscriptions/c72b5b1b-771e-4b65-ba34-a7db981c9dcf/resourceGroups/My_ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/contoso-appgw/sslCertificates/chenkui.

6. My question 6.我的问题

My questions are given as follows: 我的问题如下:

  1. What are the meaning of these error messages? 这些错误消息的含义是什么?
  2. Why are these errors given? 为什么会给出这些错误?
  3. What is the problem of my code and how to solve it? 我的代码有什么问题以及如何解决?

Thank you very much! 非常感谢你!

If you want to covert listener from http to https, you can use the following powershell script : 如果要将隐式侦听器从http转换为https,则可以使用以下powershell脚本:

$appgw= Get-AzApplicationGateway -Name "AppGWname" -ResourceGroupName "RG Name"

#$listener= Get-AzApplicationGatewayHttpListener -Name listener1 -ApplicationGateway $appgw

$FEC= Get-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendIPConfig -Name "FrontendIP" -ApplicationGateway $appgw

Add-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendPort -ApplicationGateway $appgw -Name "Name of the Port" -Port 443 

$port = Get-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendPort -ApplicationGateway $appgw -Name "Name of Port"

$passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString  "Passoword" -AsPlainText -Force 

Add-AzApplicationGatewaySSLCertificate -Name "Name of the cert" -CertificateFile "Full path of the cert with.pfx" -Password $passwd -ApplicationGateway $appgw

$cert =Get-AzApplicationGatewaySSLCertificate -Name "Name of cert" -ApplicationGateway $appgw

Set-AzApplicationGatewayHttpListener -ApplicationGateway $appgw -Name "Name of the listener" -FrontendIPConfiguration $FEC -FrontendPort $port -Protocol Https -SslCertificate $cert

Set-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appgw

I have found a method to update an existing application gateway. 我找到了一种更新现有应用程序网关的方法。 When using create_or_update function to update an existing Azure resource, you must get it first. 使用create_or_update函数更新现有Azure资源时,必须首先get它。 Otherwise, create_or_update will create a new resource instead of updating an existing one. 否则, create_or_update将创建一个新资源,而不是更新现有资源。

The following link is a good example. 以下链接是一个很好的例子。 It creates and updates an Azure VM. 它创建和更新Azure VM。 Create and manage Windows VMs in Azure using Python 使用Python在Azure中创建和管理Windows VM

Because creating and managing resources in Azure has a uniform method, we can apply the idea given in above link to manage application gateway. 因为在Azure中创建和管理资源具有统一的方法,所以我们可以将上面链接中给出的想法应用于管理应用程序网关。 The code is as follows. 代码如下。

import base64

from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.network import NetworkManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.network.v2019_06_01.models import ApplicationGateway, ApplicationGatewaySslCertificate

def test_appgw():
    # create credentials
    credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
            client_id = CLIENT,
            secret = KEY,
            tenant = TENANT_ID

    # create network client
    network_client = NetworkManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)

    # get an existing application gateway
    app_gw = network_client.application_gateways.get(RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, APPLICATION_GATEWAY_NAME)

    # read the pfx certificate and convert it to base-64 string
    with open('certificate.pfx', 'rb') as binary_cert:
        base64_cert = base64.b64encode(binary_cert.read())
        cert_data = base64_cert.decode('utf-8')

    # create an SSL certificate
    ssl_cert = ApplicationGatewaySslCertificate(

    # app_gw.ssl_certificates is a Python list, so we append the new certificate in it

    # update the application gateway

if __name__ == "__main__":

Note: 注意:

  1. Using get function to obtain an existing application gateway; 使用get函数获取现有的应用网关;
  2. The first parameter name of ApplicationGatewaySslCertificate class is a string. ApplicationGatewaySslCertificate类的第一个参数name是字符串。 You can use any name you like; 您可以使用任何喜欢的名字;
  3. The second parameter data is a string. 第二参数data是字符串。 It is NOT a name of a certificate, but a Base-64 string of the content of a pfx certificate; 它不是证书的名称,而是pfx证书内容的Base-64字符串。
  4. The third parameter password is a string. 第三个参数password是一个字符串。 It should be the password by which you create your pfx certificate. 它应该是创建pfx证书所使用的密码。

Hope this help you. 希望这对您有所帮助。

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