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[英]How to display or use variables in Discord.RichEmbed()

I am not able to include variables within a richembed on my Discord bot. 我无法在Discord机器人的Richembed中包含变量。

I'm an absolute noob to Javascript and Discord bots. 对于Javascript和Discord机器人,我绝对是菜鸟。 I have tried putting the code within the richembed (which doesn't work at all..) and placing the embeds at the bottom of the javascript file, amongst other things. 我试过将代码放在richembed中(这根本不起作用..),并将嵌入内容放在javascript文件的底部等。

  // Get information on models
  if (msg.content.startsWith('!info')) {
    // Get first (category) argument and 2nd (model name) category
    const args = msg.content.slice('!info'.length).split(' ');
    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
    // Set arguments as variables
    const cat = args[0]
    const model = args[1]
    // Check if the model exists in the category
    if (fs.existsSync(dirPath + cat + "/" + model)) {
      const modelInfo = fs.readFileSync(dirPath + cat + "/" +model, "utf8");
    } else {
      // If it doesn't, display an error
      msg.channel.send('ERROR: ' + cat + ' is not a valid category and/or model. Run "!listcat" for a list of categories and to list models within said categories.');
    msg.channel.send('_ _');
var embedModelInfo = new Discord.RichEmbed()
  .setTitle('Model Information')
  .setAuthor('Printbot', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sparrdrem/printbot/master/_previmg.png')
  .addField(modelInfo, '_ _')
  .addField('_ _', '_ _')
  .addField('READY.', '_ _')

I'd expect the embedded page to print the modelInfo variable, however Node.JS crashes saying "modelInfo is not defined", even though it is defined as shown above. 我希望嵌入式页面可以打印出modelInfo变量,但是Node.JS崩溃时说“未定义modelInfo”,即使它的定义如上所示。

The embedModelInfo definition needs to go in between the modelInfo definition and the message.channel.send(embedModelInfo) embedModelInfo定义需要介于modelInfo定义和message.channel.send(embedModelInfo)

if (fs.existsSync(dirPath + cat + "/" + model)) {
  const modelInfo = fs.readFileSync(dirPath + cat + "/" +model, "utf8");
  var embedModelInfo = new Discord.RichEmbed()
    .setTitle('Model Information')
    .setAuthor('Printbot', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sparrdrem/printbot/master/_previmg.png')
    .addField(modelInfo, '_ _')
    .addField('_ _', '_ _')
    .addField('READY.', '_ _');

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