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如何在 AMP 网站中集成 Matomo 标签管理器?

[英]How to integrate Matomo Tag Manager in an AMP Website?

AMP restricts custom JavaScript which leads to an AMP error, when I implement Matomo Tag Manager as a regular JavaScript tag.当我将 Matomo 标签管理器作为常规 JavaScript 标签实施时,AMP 限制自定义 JavaScript 导致 AMP 错误。

How do I integrate the Matomo Tag Manager in an AMP compliant way?如何以符合 AMP 的方式集成 Matomo 标签管理器?

I already tried to adjust the default Matomo Tag Manager script to match AMP guidelines, but it did not work (the script was not loaded).我已经尝试调整默认的 Matomo 标签管理器脚本以匹配 AMP 指南,但它不起作用(脚本未加载)。

The default script looked like this:默认脚本如下所示:

<!-- Matomo Tag Manager -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _mtm = _mtm || [];
_mtm.push({'mtm.startTime': (new Date().getTime()), 'event': 'mtm.Start'});
var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src='https://mypage.com/js/container_abc.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
<!-- End Matomo Tag Manager -->

They way I tried to adjust it was like this:他们的方式我试图调整它是这样的:

<!-- Matomo Tag Manager -->
<amp-script layout="container" src='https://mypage.com/js/container_abc.js'>
var _mtm = _mtm || [];
_mtm.push({'mtm.startTime': (new Date().getTime()), 'event': 'mtm.Start'});
<!-- End Matomo Tag Manager -->

I expected that the AMP error would be resolved and that the Matomo Tag Manager would be loaded.我预计 AMP 错误会得到解决,并且会加载 Matomo 标签管理器。

The actual result showed that the script was not loaded (there was no.network request).实际结果是没有加载脚本(没有网络请求)。

I think the problem is that with amp-script you need the user to manually initialize your code - be it by clicking a button or any other action.我认为问题在于使用amp-script您需要用户手动初始化您的代码 - 无论是通过单击按钮还是任何其他操作。 Since this is a tracking script, I don't think there is a way to do that.由于这是一个跟踪脚本,我认为没有办法做到这一点。

From the docs:从文档:

JavaScript inside the Web Worker allows minimal change to the DOM on load. Web Worker 中的 JavaScript 允许在加载时对 DOM 进行最小的更改。 Changes allowed during this phase are:此阶段允许的更改包括:

Registering event handlers.注册事件处理程序。

Splitting a TextNode into multiple TextNodes, to allow for frameworks that require it.将一个 TextNode 拆分为多个 TextNode,以允许需要它的框架。

Can you see an error in the browser console?您能在浏览器控制台中看到错误吗?

I know very little about AMP, but the documentation lists a lot of limitations: amp.dev https://amp.dev/documentation/components/amp-script/我对 AMP 知之甚少,但文档列出了很多限制:amp.dev https://amp.dev/documentation/components/amp-script/

Documentation: Allows running custom JavaScript to render UI.文档:允许运行自定义 JavaScript 来呈现 UI。

For example if it is a cross-origin request (matomo is on another domain) then you need to add a meta[name=“amp-script-src”] with the hash of the script (implying that you are not allowed to modify anything in tag manager after adding the script to the site.例如,如果它是一个跨域请求(matomo 在另一个域上),那么您需要添加一个带有脚本哈希值的 meta[name="amp-script-src"](暗示您不能修改将脚本添加到站点后标签管理器中的任何内容。

After all the point of AMP seems to be to not allow “normal” JavaScript execution (everything is running in a web-worker which again might break Matomo Tag Manager in tons of ways).毕竟 AMP 的重点似乎是不允许“正常”的 JavaScript 执行(一切都在网络工作者中运行,这可能会再次以多种方式破坏 Matomo 标签管理器)。

There is also a limit of 150KB to keep in mind.还要记住 150KB 的限制。

Matomo offers both javascript and pixel tracking. Matomo 提供 javascript 和像素跟踪。 As AMP format has a lot of limitation for javascript, we use pixel tracking in an amp-img tag for AMP websites.由于 AMP 格式对 javascript 有很多限制,我们在 AMP 网站的 amp-img 标签中使用像素跟踪。

<amp-img referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" src="https://sub.domain.ext/matomo.php?idsite=X&amp;rec=1" style="border:0" alt="" width="1" height="1" ></amp-img>

With sub.domain.ext being your Matomo domain and X the id of the website you're tracking. sub.domain.ext 是您的 Matomo 域,X 是您正在跟踪的网站的 ID。

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