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[英]how to extract a dictionary from a data structure using python?

so here is the table, named grade_lists, that maps names of students to lists of their exam grades. 因此,这是一个名为grade_lists的表,该表将学生的姓名映射到他们的考试成绩列表。 The grades should be converted from strings to integers. 等级应从字符串转换为整数。 For instance, grade_lists['Thorny'] == [100, 90, 80]. 例如,grade_lists ['Thorny'] == [100,90,80]。 can someone help me? 有人能帮我吗?

 grades = [ #here is the table
    ['Student', 'Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Exam 3'],
    ['Thorny', '100', '90', '80'],
    ['Mac', '88', '99', '111'],
    ['Farva', '45', '56', '67'],
    ['Rabbit', '59', '61', '67'],
    ['Ursula', '73', '79', '83'],
    ['Foster', '89', '97', '101']

Just iterate through the list with dict : 只需使用dict遍历列表即可:

grades_dict = dict((x[0],x[1:]) for x in grades[1:])

Output: 输出:

{'Farva': ['45', '56', '67'],
 'Foster': ['89', '97', '101'],
 'Mac': ['88', '99', '111'],
 'Rabbit': ['59', '61', '67'],
 'Thorny': ['100', '90', '80'],
 'Ursula': ['73', '79', '83']}

and grades_dict['Thorny'] : grades_dict['Thorny']

['100', '90', '80']

Use a dictionary-comprehension that maps values to integer: 使用将值映射到整数的字典理解:

{x[0]: list(map(int, x[1:])) for x in grades[1:]}

Example : 范例

grades = [ #here is the table
    ['Student', 'Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Exam 3'],
    ['Thorny', '100', '90', '80'],
    ['Mac', '88', '99', '111'],
    ['Farva', '45', '56', '67'],
    ['Rabbit', '59', '61', '67'],
    ['Ursula', '73', '79', '83'],
    ['Foster', '89', '97', '101']

print({x[0]: list(map(int, x[1:])) for x in grades[1:]})

# {'Thorny': [100, 90, 80], 
#  'Mac': [88, 99, 111],
#  'Farva': [45, 56, 67],
#  'Rabbit': [59, 61, 67],
#  'Ursula': [73, 79, 83],
#  'Foster': [89, 97, 101]}

This outputs a dictionary with name as key and list of marks each converted to integer as value of that key. 这将输出一个字典,其名称为键,而标记列表则分别转换为整数作为键值。

Just run this block of code. 只需运行这段代码。

grades = [ #here is the table
    ['Student', 'Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Exam 3'],
    ['Thorny', '100', '90', '80'],
    ['Mac', '88', '99', '111'],
    ['Farva', '45', '56', '67'],
    ['Rabbit', '59', '61', '67'],
    ['Ursula', '73', '79', '83'],
    ['Foster', '89', '97', '101']
dict = {}
for student_data in grades:
   if student_data[0] == "Student":
     temp_list = []
     dict[student_data[0]] = temp_list



grades_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1:]), grades))

Instead of iterating though list and then converting it to dictionary, you can directly use dictionary comprehension. 您可以直接使用字典理解,而无需遍历列表然后将其转换为字典。 It's more Pythonic. 它更像Python。

grades = [ #here is the table
    ['Student', 'Exam_1', 'Exam_2', 'Exam_3'],
    ['Thorny', '100', '90', '80'],
    ['Mac', '88', '99', '111'],
    ['Farva', '45', '56', '67'],
    ['Rabbit', '59', '61', '67'],
    ['Ursula', '73', '79', '83'],
    ['Foster', '89', '97', '101']
grade = {g[0]:g[1:] for g in grades[1:]}

# Output
#{'Thorny': ['100', '90', '80'], 'Mac': ['88', '99', '111'], 'Ursula': ['73', '79', '83'], 'Farva': ['45', '56', '67'], 'Foster': ['89', '97', '101'], 'Rabbit': ['59', '61', '67']}

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