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[英]On row select in antd table the checkbox is not checking in react

I am using antd table for viewing the data in a table format in react. 我正在使用antd表在表中查看表格式的数据。 I have used rowSelection for selecting a row. 我已经使用rowSelection选择行。

On clicking the checkbox column, the checkbox is not set, but the event is generating. 单击复选框列时,未设置复选框,但事件正在生成。

class AppUser extends Component {
  state = {
    mockTableData: null,
    selectedRowKeys: []
  constructor(props) {
  componentDidMount() {
    const apiURL = `${api_URL}/locations`;
    axios.get(apiURL).then(res => {
      this.setState({ mockTableData: res.data });
      this.setState({ loading: false });
  onExpand = (expanded, record) => {
    console.log("onExpand", expanded, record);
  onSelect = (record, selected, selectedRows, nativeEvent) => {
    console.log(record, selected, selectedRows, nativeEvent);

  render() {
    const rowSelection = {
      selectedRowKeys: [],
      onChange: this.onSelect
    return (
        <HeaderComponent />
        <h1>App user Component</h1>
          <TabPane tab="App-User" key="1">
              expandedRowRender={(record, index, indent, expanded) =>
                expanded ? <p>extra: {record.location_name}</p> : null
          <TabPane tab="Non-App-User" key="2">
            <h2>2nd Tab</h2>
export default AppUser;

Don't know where I'm going wrong. 不知道我要去哪里错了。

On every render you re-defining rowSelection (because the body of render() executes on every render), move it to class instance/state (and use it accordingly this.rowSelection / this.state.rowSelection ). 在每个渲染上,您都重新定义rowSelection (因为render()的主体在每个渲染上执行),将其移至类实例/状态(并相应地使用this.rowSelection / this.state.rowSelection )。

class AppUser extends Component {
  rowSelection = {
    selectedRowKeys: [],
    onChange: this.onSelect


  render() {
    return (
          <TabPane tab="App-User" key="1">
export default AppUser;

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