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[英]Illegal invocation for a method assignation

Why did i get an this kind of Error ? 为什么会出现这种错误? Basically, I can short my code like this. 基本上,我可以这样缩短我的代码。

const log = console.log;

So why can't we have this one? 那么为什么我们不能拥有这个呢?

const _search = document.querySeletor;

querySelector can be called on many things, not just the document , for example: 可以在很多东西上调用querySelector ,而不仅仅是document ,例如:

 const outer = document.querySelector('#outer'); const inner = outer.querySelector('div'); // querySelector called on `outer` console.log(inner); 
 <div id="outer"> <div id="inner"> </div> </div> 

The querySelector method must have a root element from which to search from, which it identifies by the calling context of the function (the this value used inside it). querySelector方法必须具有要从中进行搜索的根元素,该元素通过函数的调用上下文(在this函数内部使用的this值)进行标识。 In the above snippet, outer.querySelector('div') selects a div element which is a child of outer . 在上面的代码中, outer.querySelector('div')选择一个div元件,其的子outer Simiarly, with document.querySelector , you select a child anywhere in the document (but not, for example, in elements that exist, but are not attached to the document). 同样,通过document.querySelector ,您可以在文档中的任意位置选择一个子级(例如,不选择存在于元素中但未附加到文档中的元素)。

But without a calling context (eg, if you assign querySelector to a standalone variable), the method does not know what root element to search from, so it throws an error. 但是在没有调用上下文的情况下(例如,如果将querySelector分配给独立变量),该方法不知道要从哪个根元素进行搜索,因此会引发错误。

You can shorten it by .bind ing the function to the document first, so that it has the appropriate calling context when invoked: 可以通过将函数首先.bind到文档缩短它,以便在调用时具有适当的调用上下文:

 const qs = document.querySelector.bind(document); console.log(qs('#inner')); 
 <div id="outer"> <div id="inner"> </div> </div> 

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