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[英]d3 change scale domain and keep the zoom working as expected

I have a question about zoom and scale/axis. 我对缩放和缩放/轴有疑问。

At some point my chart has the following configuration: 在某些时候,我的图表具有以下配置:

Y domain scale: Y域尺度:

this.scaleY = d3
  .domain([10, 20])
  .range([this.chartHeight, 0]);

ZoomTransform: ZoomTransform:

  x: -10,
  y: -4,
  k: 0.2

now, I change programmatically the y-scale domain (and axis): 现在,我以编程方式更改y缩放域(和轴):

this.scaleY = d3
  .domain([80, 100])
  .range([this.chartHeight, 0]);

The problem is that if I zoom in/out, the y-scale go back to the original one. 问题是,如果我放大/缩小,则y比例会回到原始比例。

So I'd like to change the domain of one axis, and keep the zoom working as expected. 因此,我想更改一个轴的域,并保持缩放正常工作。

I hope I've made myself clear. 我希望我已经说清楚了。

Do you see any solutions in order to keep the current zoom and simply update the axis? 您是否看到任何解决方案以保持当前缩放并仅更新轴? I don't want to reset my zoom to the Identity. 我不想将缩放重置为“身份”。

Thank you 谢谢

The d3.event.transform object also contains other methods on its prototype such as rescaleY() . d3.event.transform对象在其原型上还包含其他方法,例如rescaleY()

rescaleY(originalYScale) will return ay scale whose domain has been altered to take account of the d3.event.transform 's current transform parameters. rescaleY(originalYScale)将返回y比例尺,其范围已更改,以考虑d3.event.transform的当前转换参数。

Then you can update your y axis with this new scale using the axis.scale() setter method. 然后,您可以使用axis.scale() setter方法使用此新比例尺来更新y轴。 And finally, you can update your axis element ( g element) using the `call() method. 最后,您可以使用`call()方法更新轴元素( g元素)。

So, as shown in Mike Bostock's zoom example , your zoom callback may look like: 因此,如Mike Bostock的zoom示例所示 ,您的zoom回调可能类似于:

function zoomed() {
  view.attr("transform", d3.event.transform);

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