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如何在Swift中模仿Safari的搜索栏UI /动画?

[英]How can I mimic safari's search bar UI/animations in Swift?

I am attempting to mimic the search bar behavior below in iOS Safari on my current app: 我正在尝试在当前应用程序的iOS Safari中模仿下面的搜索栏行为: img

I mainly want the navigation bar to scroll up to a very small version when the user scrolls on the content and comes back when they scroll back up. 我主要希望导航栏在用户滚动内容时向上滚动至很小的版本,并在用户向上滚动时返回。

I've tried using scrollViewDidScroll but I cannot seem to get it to mimic that behavior. 我试过使用scrollViewDidScroll,但似乎无法模仿它。 I'm unsure if I am adding the search bar correctly to the navigation bar. 我不确定是否将搜索栏正确添加到导航栏中。

let searchBar: UISearchBar = {
    let sb = UISearchBar()
    sb.autocapitalizationType = .none
    sb.autocorrectionType = .no
    sb.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearance.default
    sb.placeholder = "Search"
    return sb

fileprivate func setupNav() {
    //Basic Setup
    navigationController?.navigationBar.isTranslucent = true
    navigationController?.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: .default)

    //Search Bar
    navigationItem.titleView = searchBar

func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let searchController                                  = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
searchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation     = false
searchController.searchBar.placeholder                = "Search"
searchController.searchResultsUpdater                 = self
navigationItem.searchController                       = searchController
definesPresentationContext                            = true 

Put your SearchController in the Navigation Item instead. 将您的SearchController放在导航项中。 This will add collapsable SearchBar . 这将添加可折叠的SearchBar Additionally you can try with Navigation Item Prompt for very small title on top. 另外,您可以尝试使用导航项Prompt在顶部显示非常小的标题。

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