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如何在SQL Server中将“ DD / MM / YYYY”或“ YYYY-MM-DD”中的字符串转换为日期?

[英]How to convert string in 'DD/MM/YYYY' or 'YYYY-MM-DD' into date in SQL Server?

I've got a string here which needs to be converted into date but the problem is that it could either be in 'DD/MM/YYYY' or 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. 我在这里有一个字符串,需要将其转换为日期,但问题是它可能采用'DD / MM / YYYY'或'YYYY-MM-DD'格式。

I've already tried convert which only works for one of the two formats but not both: 我已经尝试过convert,它仅适用于两种格式之一,但不能同时适用于两种格式:

declare @string nvarchar(255) = '2019-05-21'

declare @table table (date date)

insert into @table
select convert(date, @string, 111) as date

select * from @table

declare @string nvarchar(255) = '21/05/2019'

declare @table table (date date)

insert into @table
select convert(date, @string, 103) as date

select * from @table

Both of the above solutions result in an error is I use the other format. 以上两种解决方案均导致错误,原因是我使用了其他格式。

Is there a way to get a string converted to date regardless of what format it is in? 有什么方法可以将字符串转换为日期,而不管其采用哪种格式?

Use try_convert() : 使用try_convert()

insert into @table
    select coalesce(try_convert(date, @string, 111),
                    try_convert(date, @string, 103)
                   ) as date

try_convert() returns NULL if the conversion fails. 如果转换失败, try_convert()返回NULL In that case, the conversion will move on to the next pattern. 在这种情况下,转换将继续进行下一个模式。 With coalesce() , you can have as many different formats as you like. 使用coalesce() ,您可以根据需要选择多种格式。

You can use TRY_PARSE or PARSE to parse the date literal using a specific culture. 您可以使用TRY_PARSEPARSE使用特定区域性来解析日期文字。

The second format YYYY-MM-DD is an unambiguous date format for the "new" date types like date and datetime2 . 第二种格式YYYY-MM-DD是“新”的日期类型,如一个明确的日期格式datedatetime2 It's not affected by the DATEFORMAT setting like datetime . 它不受datetimeDATEFORMAT设置的影响。

This means you only need to find one culture that can handle the first format. 这意味着您只需要找到可以处理第一种格式的文化即可。 All of the following queries will return the same value : 以下所有查询将返回相同的值:

select parse('21/05/2019' as date using 'en-GB')

select parse('2019-05-21' as date using 'en-GB')

select try_parse('21/05/2019' as date using 'en-GB')

select try_parse('2019-05-21' as date using 'en-GB')

If you are on SQL 2012 and above, you can use the FORMAT function. 如果您使用的是SQL 2012及更高版本,则可以使用FORMAT函数。

The signature of this function is - FORMAT (value,format[,culture]) 该函数的签名是FORMAT (value,format[,culture])

Example: SELECT FORMAT (getdate(), 'dd-MM-yyyy') as date and in your case SELECT FORMAT(CAST(<str_value> as DATE), 'yyyy-mm-dd') 示例: SELECT FORMAT (getdate(), 'dd-MM-yyyy') as date ,在您的情况下为SELECT FORMAT(CAST(<str_value> as DATE), 'yyyy-mm-dd')

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