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[英]How should I write the constructor for my class

I have a container class to which i can send a Geometry object as constructor argument. 我有一个容器类,可以向其发送几何对象作为构造函数参数。

Geometry is a polymorphic class as interface for other geometric types like Sphere and Rectangle. 几何是一个多态类,可作为“球”和“矩形”等其他几何类型的接口。

My question is that in Container class the constructor with arguments "Container(std::string str, Geometry* geometry)" can i code this in more flexible manner. 我的问题是,在Container类中,带有参数“ Container(std :: string str,Geometry * geometry)”的构造函数可以以更灵活的方式对此进行编码。

Whenever i will add a new SubClass to Geometry than i would need to write another IF condtion in Container class Constructor. 每当我将一个新的SubClass添加到Geometry时,我就需要在Container类Constructor中编写另一个IF条件。

include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Container.h"
#include "Geometry.h"
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Rectangle.h"
#include "Container.h"

int main()
    const char* fileName = "saved.txt"; 
    Sphere sph;
    Rectangle rect;
    Container contSphere("ABC", &sph);
    Container contRectangle("DEF", &rect);
    Sphere* s = (Sphere*)contSphere.getGeomtry();
    Rectangle* r = (Rectangle*)contRectangle.getGeomtry();
        std::cout << '\n' << "Press a key to continue...";
    } while (std::cin.get() != '\n');

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////

#pragma once
#include <string>
class Geometry
    std::string stdstringGeom;
    std::string stdstrType;


    Geometry() : stdstringGeom("GeometyrString"), stdstrType("Geometry") {}
    virtual ~Geometry() {}

    virtual std::string getType()
        return stdstrType;

     virtual void  PrintGeom()
        std::cout << "geometry virtual function";


///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////

#pragma once

#include "Geometry.h"
class Sphere : public Geometry
    std::string stdstrSphere;
    std::string stdstrType;

    Sphere() : Geometry() ,  stdstrSphere( "DefaultSphere") , stdstrType("Sphere") {}
    Sphere( std::string str) : Geometry() ,  stdstrSphere(str) , stdstrType("Sphere"){}
    void PrintGeom()
        std::cout << "Sphere Virtual Function" << std::endl;

    std::string getType()
        return stdstrType;


///////////////// Defination for Constructor class//////////////////// /////////////////构造函数类的定义//////////////////////

#include "Geometry.h"
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Rectangle.h"

class Container
    std::string stdstrCont;
    Geometry* geom;

    Container() : stdstrCont("NoName") { geom = new Geometry; }
    Container(std::string str, Geometry* geometry) : stdstrCont(str)
    // I am doing this to avoid slicing and i want to do a deep copy.   
     if (geometry->getType() == "Sphere")
            Sphere* sph = (Sphere*)geometry;
            geom = new Sphere(*sph);
        else if (geometry->getType() == "Rectangle")
            Rectangle* rec = (Rectangle*)geometry;
            geom = new Rectangle(*rec);


        if (geom != nullptr)
            delete geom;

    Geometry* getGeomtry()
        return geom;

    void PrintContainer()
        std::cout << stdstrCont;

Your design is all backward, and a consequence is that you are making the Container responsible for working out the type of all Geometry objects passed to it, in order to copy them. 您的设计是全部落后的,结果是使Container负责计算传递给它的所有Geometry对象的类型,以便复制它们。 That will make your Container a maintenance nightmare - if someone creates another class derived from Geometry , they can forget to modify Container accordingly. 这将使您的Container成为维护的噩梦-如果有人创建了另一个从Geometry派生的类,他们可能会忘记相应地修改Container

You've also omitted code that is relevant to your question (like virtual destructors) and included code that is irrelevant to the question (declaration of std::string members, and initialisation of them in constructors, and other virtual functions). 您还省略了与您的问题相关的代码(例如虚拟析构函数),并包括了与该问题不相关的代码(声明std::string成员,并在构造函数和其他虚拟函数中对其进行了初始化)。

Instead, it would be better to make the class Geometry , and its derived classes, responsible for copying themselves. 相反,最好让类Geometry及其派生类负责复制自身。

At heart would be the Geometry class itself 本质上是Geometry类本身

 #include <memory>     // for std::unique_ptr
 class Geometry
        Geometry() {};
        virtual ~Geometry() = default;

         virtual std::unique_ptr<Geometry> Clone() const = 0;

(I've omitted the std::string members for convenience). (为方便起见,我省略了std::string成员)。 The derived classes then override the Clone() function, viz; 然后,派生的类将覆盖Clone()函数,即;

 class Sphere: public Geometry
        Sphere() : Geometry() {};
         ~Sphere() = default;

         std::unique_ptr<Geometry> Clone() const {return std::unique_ptr<Geometry>(new Sphere(*this));}; 

 // similarly for other shapes

The Clone() function is pure virtual in Geometry , so the derived classes cannot be instantiated unless you remember to override it. Clone()函数在Geometry是纯虚拟的,因此除非您记得重写它,否则无法实例化派生的类。

The responsibility for cloning rests with Geometry and its derived classes - and the compiler will helpfully diagnose an error if a class is derived from Geometry that does not override the Clone() function. 克隆的责任在于Geometry及其派生类-如果从Geometry派生的类没有覆盖Clone()函数,则编译器将有助于诊断错误。

Then, all a Container needs to do is have a member std::unique_ptr<Geometry> or (if you intend to have a set of them) a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Geometry> > . 然后, Container所需要做的就是拥有一个成员std::unique_ptr<Geometry>或(如果您打算拥有一组成员)一个std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Geometry> > For the case where the Container only needs a single Geometry , the definition of Container might be 对于其中的情况下, Container只需要一个Geometry的定义中, Container可能是

 class Container
            Container() : geom() {};
            Container(Geometry *p) : geom(p->Clone()) {};
            Container(const Container &c) : geom(c.geom->Clone()) {};
            Container &operator=(const Container &c)
                  geom = c.geom->Clone();   // this will release the existing c.geom
                  return *this;
            ~Container() = default;

             std::unique_ptr<Geometry> geom;

The reason I've used std::unique_ptr<Geometry> in the above (instead of Geometry * as in your code) is that std::unique_ptr<> avoids the need to explicitly decide when to destroy a Geometry object. 我在上面使用std::unique_ptr<Geometry>的原因(而不是代码中的Geometry * )是因为std::unique_ptr<>无需明确决定何时销毁Geometry对象。

The no-argument constructor of Container initialises to containing a null Geometry (ie a null pointer). Container的无参数构造函数初始化为包含空Geometry (即空指针)。

The constructor of Container that accepts a Geometry * clones the passed object, and does not assume ownership of it. 接受Geometry *Container的构造函数将克隆所传递的对象,并且不承担该对象的所有权。 This means the caller is responsible for the lifetime of the object it passes. 这意味着调用方应对其传递的对象的生命周期负责。 This is consistent with your main() , which constructs objects of automatic storage duration. 这与main()一致,后者构造了自动存储持续时间的对象。

Note that I'm following the "rule of three" - if a non-default version of a copy constructor, copy assignment, or destructor is defined, then the other two should also be defined. 请注意,我遵循“三个规则”-如果定义了副本构造函数,副本分配或析构函数的非默认版本,则还应该定义另外两个。 The operator=() in the above works in a manner consistent with the copy constructor (ie it clones objects in the Container , rather than causing Geometry objects to be shared between Container s). 上面的operator=()以与复制构造函数一致的方式工作(即,它在Container克隆对象,而不是使Geometry对象在Container之间共享)。 The destructor is explicitly defined as the default, since the Container is not explicitly managing lifetime of its members (the destructor of std::unique_ptr does the work). 由于Container未显式管理其成员的生存期,因此将析构函数明确定义为默认值( std::unique_ptr的析构函数可以完成此工作)。


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