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[英]How do I chomp off everything after a character?

I want to create a Perl program to take in a file, and for each line, chomp off everything after a certain character (let's say a /). 我想创建一个Perl程序来接收一个文件,并针对每一行,将某个字符(例如/)后的所有内容都切掉。 For example, consider this example file: 例如,考虑以下示例文件:

foo1/thing 1.1.1 bar
foo2/item 2.3.2 bar
foo3/thing 3.4.5 bar

I want to remove everything after the slash on each line and print it out, so that that file becomes: 我想删除每行斜杠后的所有内容并将其打印出来,以便该文件变为:


I tried to use this program, with readline in a foreach loop, but the output was not what I expected: 我尝试使用此程序,并在foreach循环中使用readline ,但是输出不是我期望的:

print ( "Enter file name: " ) ;
my $filename = <> ;
$/ = ''
chomp $filename ;

my $file = undef ;
open ( $file, "< :encoding(UTF-8)", $filename
$/ = '/' ;
foreach ( <$file> ) {
    chomp ;
    print ;

But all this does is remove the slashes from each line. 但这只是从每行中删除斜线。

foo1thing 1.1.1 bar
foo2item 2.3.2 bar
foo3thing 3.4.5 bar

How can I alter this to produce the output I need? 如何更改此设置以产生所需的输出?

As far as concerns, the input record separator ( $/ ) does not allow regexes. 就问题而言,输入记录分隔符( $/ )不允许使用正则表达式。

You could proceed as follows: 您可以按以下步骤进行:

print ( "Enter file name: " ) ;
my $filename = <> ;
chomp $filename ;

open ( my $file, "< :encoding(UTF-8)", $filename ) 
    or die "could not open file $filename: $!";
while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
    $line =~ s{/.*}{}s;
    print "$line\n";

Regexp s{/.*}{}s matches on the first slash and everything afterwards, and suppresses it (along with the trailing new line). 正则表达式s{/.*}{}s在第一个斜杠和之后的所有斜杠匹配,并抑制它(以及尾随的新行)。

Note: always check for errors when using open() , as noted in the documentation : 注意:使用open() ,请务必检查错误,如文档所述

When opening a file, it's seldom a good idea to continue if the request failed, so open is frequently used with die . 打开文件时,如果请求失败,最好不要继续,因此open通常与die

$line =~ s{/.*}{}s;                       # In-place (destructive)


my ($extracted) = $line =~ m{([^/]*)};    # Returns (non-destructive)

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