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react-native Android模块打开PassWallet

[英]react-native Android Module open PassWallet

I want to save a .pkpass WalletPass in my react-native app. 我想在我的react-native应用程序中保存一个.pkpass WalletPass。 I made a Module with information from this developer guide: http://passwallet.attidomobile.com/PassWallet%20Developer%20Guide.pdf my module looks like the following: 我使用此开发人员指南中的信息制作了一个模块: http : //passwallet.attidomobile.com/PassWallet%20Developer%20Guide.pdf我的模块如下所示:

PassWallet.java: PassWallet.java:

package mypackage;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.net.Uri;

import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContextBaseJavaModule;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactMethod;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLEncoder;

public class PassWallet extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule {

    public PassWallet(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {

    public String getName() {
        return "PassWallet";

    public void saveToPassWallet(String url) {
        launchPassWallet(getReactApplicationContext().getApplicationContext(), Uri.parse(url), true);

    private boolean launchPassWallet(Context applicationContext, Uri uri, boolean launchGooglePlay) {

        if (null != applicationContext) {

            PackageManager packageManager = applicationContext.getPackageManager();

            if (null != packageManager) {

                final String strPackageName = "com.attidomobile.passwallet";

                Intent startIntent = new Intent();

                Intent passWalletLaunchIntent = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(strPackageName);
                if (null == passWalletLaunchIntent) {

                    // PassWallet isn't installed, open Google Play:
                    if (launchGooglePlay) {

                        String strReferrer = "";
                        try {
                            final String strEncodedURL = URLEncoder.encode(uri.toString(), "UTF-8");
                            strReferrer = "&referrer=" + strEncodedURL;
                        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                            strReferrer = "";
                        try {
                            startIntent.setData(Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + strPackageName + strReferrer));
                        catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException anfe) {
                            // Google Play not installed, open via website
                            startIntent.setData(Uri.parse("http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=" + strPackageName + strReferrer));


                else {

                    final String strClassName = "com.attidomobile.passwallet.activity.TicketDetailActivity";

                    startIntent.setClassName(strPackageName, strClassName);
                    startIntent.setDataAndType(uri, "application/vnd.apple.pkpass");


                    return true;

        return false;


I added the module correctly and can open it in my react-native javascript files: 我正确添加了模块,可以在我的react-native javascript文件中打开它:

const AndroidWalletManager = NativeModules.PassWallet;


When I open a .pkpass file and the Wallet App (PassWallet, like the link to the developer guide) is not installed, the Play store opens correctly. 当我打开.pkpass文件并且未安装电子钱包应用程序(PassWallet,如指向开发人员指南的链接)时,Play商店会正确打开。 But when the app is installed the following error is shown: 但是,在安装应用程序后,将显示以下错误:


I'm not a android developer so maybe this is a basic problem, but I don't know how to solve this. 我不是android开发人员,所以也许这是一个基本问题,但我不知道如何解决。 If I had to guess I would say the PassWallet App changed the activity name, is this correct? 如果我不得不猜测我会说PassWallet App更改了活动名称,这是正确的吗? I had this solution for like two years and it worked in the past. 我有两年左右的解决方案,并且在过去一直有效。 I contacted the author of this developer guide but didn't get a response so far. 我联系了该开发人员指南的作者,但到目前为止没有得到答复。 Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗?

I just want to be able to save a .pkpass directly to a Wallet App on android. 我只希望能够将.pkpass直接保存到android上的电子钱包应用中。

The activity name was changed after a major release 2.00.XX Please find the latest instructions here: https://github.com/Kwiket/passwallet 在主要版本2.00.XX之后更改了活动名称。请在此处找到最新说明: https//github.com/Kwiket/passwallet

Passwallet Team 通行证团队

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