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[英]How to scroll bottom container which has max-height defined?

I have to scroll bottom container which has only max-height defined. 我必须滚动仅定义了max-height的底部容器。 I try use scrollTop = scrollHeight but it does't work for me ? 我尝试使用scrollTop = scrollHeight但对我不起作用?

Please advice 请指教

My container (HTML/JSX): 我的容器(HTML / JSX):

  <ListElement />
  <ListElement />
  <ListElement />
  <ListElement />


display: flex;
max-height: 400px

Expected result 预期结果

Container always scrolled to bottom when the component appear. 出现组件时,容器始终滚动到底部。

Similar solution 类似的解决方案

container.scrollTop = contentHeight - containerHeight;

but above solution working fine only with defined height not max-height ;/ 但以上解决方案只能在定义的高度上不能正常工作max-height; /

尝试container.scrollTo(0, container.scrollHeight)

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