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[英]How can you check python code on Github to make sure it's not somehow exporting your login credentials?

I like to play around with trading bots on Github, and have for a few years now. 我喜欢在Github上玩交易机器人,现在已经有几年了。 I never really worried about someone hacking my accounts because I usually just did demo or very small like less than $500 accounts. 我从来没有真正担心有人会入侵我的帐户,因为我通常只是做演示或很小的帐户,例如少于500美元的帐户。 I am now setting up a Robinhood bot on a very large account, and would like to use a Python API wrapper I found on Github. 我现在在一个非常大的帐户上设置了一个Robinhood机器人,并且想使用我在Github上找到的Python API包装器。 Is there a quick way to make sure it can't somehow export my login info, without going through all the source code? 有没有一种快速的方法来确保它不通过所有源代码就无法以某种方式导出我的登录信息? I'm sure it probably doesn't, but when working with an account this big it's not worth taking chances and security is VERY important. 我敢肯定它可能不会,但是当使用这么大的帐户时,不值得冒险,安全性非常重要。

I dabble in Python, but i'm not pro, so I don't even know all of the potential ways to export info. 我涉猎Python,但我不是专业人士,所以我什至不知道所有导出信息的潜在方式。 Even if I go through all the source code, I may miss something. 即使我遍历了所有源代码,也可能会错过一些东西。 So i'm wondering if maybe someone has a list of keywords to search the code for, or maybe I could just search for the variable name holding the password and check everywhere that it's being used or something? 所以我想知道是否有人可以使用关键字列表来搜索代码,或者我可以只搜索包含密码的变量名并在各处使用它进行检查? That's my best guess, as I would imagine for them to somehow export my password they would have to use the variable name storing the password...but regardless I would love to hear input on how others go about this. 这是我的最佳猜测,就像我想像的那样,他们必须以某种方式导出我的密码,他们将不得不使用存储密码的变量名...但是无论我是否愿意听听其他人对此的意见。 Thanks for your time! 谢谢你的时间!



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