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[英]Embedded kafka producer test

I'm writing integration tests to test kafka producer. 我正在编写集成测试以测试kafka生产者。

@SpringBootTest(classes = {kafkaProducerConfig.class, KafkaProducerIT.InnerConfig.class})
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "...")
public class KafkaProducerIT {

    public static EmbeddedKafkaRule embeddedKafka = new EmbeddedKafkaRule(1, true, "testtopic");

    CustomKafkaProducer<String, String> KafkaProducer;

    KafkaController kafkaController;

    public void whenSendMessage_thenConsumeIt() throws InterruptedException {
        KafkaProducer.produceMessageToKafkaTopic("ahahahwow", "testtopic");

    public static class InnerConfig {

        public KafkaListenerContainerFactory<?> kafkaListenerContainerFactory(ConsumerFactory<String, Object> replyConsumerFactory) {
            ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
            return factory;

        KafkaController kafkaController() {
            return new KafkaController();


    public static class KafkaController {

        CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        @KafkaListener(topics = "testtopic")
        public void listen(final String payload) {


Idea is that I want to send message to topic, read it using KafkaController and CountDownLatch . 想法是我想向主题发送消息,使用KafkaControllerCountDownLatch阅读。 Issue that I have is that CountDownLatch is never triggered and test just hangs on await . CountDownLatch问题是CountDownLatch永远不会触发,而测试只是在await挂起。

CustomKafkaProducer is just a wrapper which uses regular kafkaTemplate under the hood. CustomKafkaProducer只是一个包装,它在kafkaTemplate使用常规的kafkaTemplate

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During debug, there were several cases when flow entered listener and test passed. 在调试期间,在几种情况下,流进入侦听器并通过测试。 So issue is not related to wrong topic names etc. 因此,问题与错误的主题名称等无关。

You need to set auto.offset.reset=earliest for the consumer. 您需要为使用者设置auto.offset.reset =最早。 The default is latest so there is a race condition if the consumer starts after the record is sent. 默认值为最新,因此如果使用者在发送记录后开始,则存在竞争条件。

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