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[英]How to disable an already selected option in a dropdown menu?

I have 3 dropdowns and I'm trying to figure out how to disable an already chosen option. 我有3个下拉菜单,我试图弄清楚如何禁用已经选择的选项。 Regarding to this post here I tried the following: 关于这篇文章,我尝试了以下方法:

<template v-for="n in 3">
    class="btn btn-secondary d-flex header-input"
      v-for="language in languages"
      :value="language['lang_' + locale]"

because user.languages returns an array. 因为user.languages返回一个数组。

But this doesn't seem to work at all. 但这似乎根本不起作用。 If I remove the includes(language.value) then everything is disabled right off the bat (obviously). 如果我删除了includes(language.value)那么一切就被禁用了(很明显)。

language.value a String? language.value一个字符串?

I think we should change from "language.value" to "language['lang_'+locale]" 我认为我们应该从“ language.value”更改为“ language ['lang _'+ locale]”

Have you tried it for a single dropdown and is it working properly for it? 您是否尝试过一个下拉菜单,并且可以正常使用?
Because I think if it's not working for a single just try like below: 因为我想如果它不能正常工作,请尝试如下操作:

In data(), take one variable that is an empty array and then try this: 在data()中,获取一个为空数组的变量,然后尝试以下操作:

  <select v-model = "variable-name" and in option value:
  <option :value="language.value">

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