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如何从这个休息端点获得 userId 的最大值? 我必须使用带有 Gpath 语法的 RestAssured

[英]How can i get a max value for userId from this rest endpoint? I have to use RestAssured with Gpath syntax

I have to get a max value for userId using RestAssured and Gpath syntax.我必须使用 RestAssured 和 Gpath 语法获得 userId 的最大值。 I dont know what i should type in body after then.我不知道在那之后我应该在正文中输入什么。

I have tried so many ways but it does not work.我尝试了很多方法,但它不起作用。

public void setUp() {
    endpoint = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/";

public static Response getJsonPath(String endpoint) {

public void maxUserId() {

    Response response = getJsonPath(endpoint)

You can use like this.你可以这样使用。 i tried and i got 10 as max value.我试过了,我得到了 10 作为最大值。

public static void maxUserId() {

    int maxValue = getJsonPath(endpoint).jsonPath().get("userId.max()");


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