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与Firebase Storage的Java FX连接,用于上传图片

[英]Java FX connection with Firebase Storage for uploading pictures

I am working java FX application and I want to upload images from application to firebase storage. 我正在使用Java FX应用程序,我想将图像从应用程序上传到firebase存储。 I have integrated firebase admin SDK for core java. 我已经为核心Java集成了firebase管理SDK Now I can manage firebase database easily. 现在,我可以轻松管理firebase数据库。 But now, I want to work on Uploading images and I could not find any example or tutorial that is easy or understandable. 但是现在,我想继续上载图像,但找不到任何简单或可以理解的示例或教程。 All I found, is related to android but I need it in core java. 我发现的所有内容都与android有关,但我在核心java中需要它。 Please suggest me proper example or help me out. 请给我建议适当的例子或帮我。 I will be very thankful to you. 我会非常感谢你。

Take a look at OkHTTP . 看一下OkHTTP It works for both Android and pure Java. 它适用于Android和纯Java。 This answer gives you a template for uploading. 该答案为您提供了一个上传模板。

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