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[英]How to fetch data from API in ng2 smart table?

I have an angular app using Ng2 smart table and need to fetch data from API I create a method to fetch data from API (but I didn't know it works or not ) and the main problem is how to get data to show in ng2 smart table Following is my HTML code我有一个使用 Ng2 智能表的 angular 应用程序,需要从 API 获取数据智能表 以下是我的 HTML 代码

 <div class="mainTbl">
            <ng2-smart-table [settings]="settMain" [source]="dataMain"></ng2-smart-table>

my service.ts我的服务.ts

  providedIn: 'root'
export class ClientsService {


  constructor(private http:HttpClient) { }

        this.clients = res as Clients[];



export class ClientInfoComponent implements OnInit {

  // start main stores tbl
  settMain = {
    noDataMessage: 'عفوا لا توجد بيانات',

    actions: {
      columnTitle: 'إجراءات',
      position: 'right',
    pager: {
      perPage: 25,
    add: {
      addButtonContent: '  إضافة جديد ',
      createButtonContent: '',
      cancelButtonContent: '',
    edit: {
      editButtonContent: '',
      saveButtonContent: '',
      cancelButtonContent: '',

    delete: {
      deleteButtonContent: '',

    columns: {
      index: {
        title: 'مسلسل',
        width: '80px',
      id: {
        title: 'كود العميل',
        width: '80px',
      name: {
        title: 'اسم العميل',
        width: '160px'
      phone: {
        title: ' الهاتف'
      address: {
        title: ' العنوان'
      nots: {
        title: 'ملاحظات'
  dataMain = [
      name: "",
      address: "",
      nots: "",

  // end main stores tbl

  private myForm: FormGroup;

  constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder,private Service:ClientsService) { }

  ngOnInit() {



so I need some help to get data and how to but it in component.ts dataMain array, thanks in advance and excuse me because I'm a beginner.所以我需要一些帮助来获取数据以及如何将其放入 component.ts dataMain 数组中,在此先感谢并原谅我,因为我是初学者。

[source]="dataMain" from your html template needs to be set to whatever Array you are fetching from the API. [source]="dataMain" 来自您的 html 模板需要设置为您从 API 获取的任何数组。

I'm assuming you want your Client data to show, as the function我假设您希望您的客户数据显示为 function

getClientData() appears to be returning an array of clients: getClientData() 似乎正在返回一个客户端数组:

    this.clients = this.http.get(this.url).toPromise().then(
        // you assigned the array to the value this.clients below
        this.clients = res as Clients[];


your HTML settings should have [source]="this.clients" instead of dataMain, since this.clients is the variable that holds the list you want to show.您的 HTML 设置应该具有[source]="this.clients"而不是 dataMain,因为 this.clients 是保存您要显示的列表的变量。

public getclients():Observable<any[]> { return this.http.get<any[]>(this.url).pipe( //catchError(this.handleError<client[]>('getclients', [])) public getclients():Observable<any[]> { return this.http.get<any[]>(this.url).pipe( //catchError(this.handleError<client[]>('getclients', [] ))

  // catchError(this.handleError)

} }

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