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[英]Replacing / removing specific part of file names using regex

I'm new to C# and need to loop through a directory and remove the last part of any and all files that end in _xxxxxx.xml (an underscore followed by 6 digits).我是 C# 的新手,需要遍历目录并删除以_xxxxxx.xml结尾的所有文件的最后一部分(下划线后跟 6 位数字)。

For example, the filename filename_A_123_456789.xml becomes filename_A_123.xml .例如,文件名filename_A_123_456789.xml变为filename_A_123.xml

What I have so far:到目前为止我所拥有的:

private static void RenameFiles(string outputPath)
    DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(outputPath);
    FileInfo[] infos = d.GetFiles();
    foreach (FileInfo f in infos)
        string newName = Regex.Replace(f.FullName, "(\\[_\d]\\s)", temp);

        File.Move(f.FullName, newName);

But that's not working.但这行不通。 Ang CSharp Regexxers out there? Ang CSharp Regexxers 在那里?

You can use the regex:您可以使用正则表达式:


and replace with $1 instead.并用$1代替。

The regex is matching 6 digits, then group 1 ( (\.[^.]+) ) matches the extension, which you replace with in the replacement string.正则表达式匹配 6 位数字,然后第 1 组 ( (\.[^.]+) ) 匹配您在替换字符串中替换的扩展名。 The extension is matched by "a dot followed by a bunch of non-dots".扩展名由“一个点后跟一堆非点”匹配。 Also note that the end of string anchor $ to assert that all of this must be at the end of the string.还要注意字符串的末尾锚$来断言所有这些都必须在字符串的末尾。

Change your code to:将您的代码更改为:

string newName = Regex.Replace(f.FullName, @"_\d{6}(\.[^.]+)$", "$1");

A regex is fine for your need.正则表达式可以满足您的需要。 As an alternative, here is a regex free solution if you want to use one:作为替代方案,如果您想使用一个无正则表达式的解决方案:

public static void Main()
    var source = @"filename_A_123_456789.xml";
    var slices =  Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(source).Split('_');
    var last = slices.Last();
    var isSpecific = last.Length == 6 && last.All(char.IsDigit);
    var result = string.Join("_", isSpecific ? slices.Take(slices.Length - 1) : slices) + Path.GetExtension(source);
  • We split the name by '_'我们用'_'分割名字
  • We take the last section我们采取最后一节
  • We define if the last section is a specific part我们定义最后一部分是否为特定部分
  • We concat back everthing minus the last one if it is a specific part如果它是特定部分,我们将所有内容减去最后一个部分

Try it Online!在线尝试!

Your regex doesn't quantify the \d in any way to define that you are looking for 6 digits to be exact.您的正则表达式不会以任何方式量化\d来定义您正在寻找准确的 6 位数字。

Use this instead:改用这个:

(\S*)_\d{6}(\.xml) /m

This regex captures all non-whitespace characters before the _ followed by six digits, and the extension .xml into two separate capturing groups.此正则表达式将_之前的所有非空白字符,后跟六位数字和扩展名.xml捕获到两个单独的捕获组中。

Then replace with $1$2 , group 1 followed by group 2.然后替换为$1$2 ,第 1 组,然后是第 2 组。


Just try:试试看嘛:

string newName = Regex.Replace(f.FullName, "(\\_\\d{6}\\.xml)", ".xml");

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