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对于很长的请求,在 JAVA 中实现 SOAP 客户端的良好做法?

[英]Good practice to implement SOAP clients in JAVA for very long requests?

I'm trying to follow this post .我正在尝试关注这篇文章

To reproduce a sample xml request I have in hand.要重现我手头的示例 xml 请求。 The problem is that this particular request is pretty long with very deep structure, and I just get tired of adding child elements and keeping track of the structure with my eyes.问题是这个特殊的请求很长,结构很深,我只是厌倦了添加子元素并用我的眼睛跟踪结构。

Below is some sample code that summarised what I have been doing.下面是一些示例代码,总结了我一直在做的事情。 The request I am reproducing has at least 5 layers and more than 50 elements.我正在复制的请求至少有 5 层和 50 多个元素。 It's supposed to be an application form which contains candidates personal information.它应该是一个包含候选人个人信息的申请表。

// SOAP Envelop...
// SOAP Body
        SOAPBody soapBody = envelope.getBody();
        SOAPElement aaa = soapBody.addChildElement("aaaName", "", "http://my.uri.aaa");
        SOAPElement bbb = aaa.addChildElement("bbbName", "", "http://my.uri.bbb");
        SOAPElement ccc = bbb.addChildElement("cccName");
        SOAPElement ddd = ccc.addChildElement("dddName");

        //... and so on ...        

        SOAPElement dddChild1 = ddd.addChildElement("dddChild1Name");
        dddChild1.addTextNode("I'm dddChild1");
        SOAPElement dddChild2 = ddd.addChildElement("dddChild2Name");
        SOAPElement dddGrandChild2 = dddChild2.addChildElement("dddGrandChild2Name");
        dddGrandChild2.addTextNode("I'm dddGrandChild2");

        //... and so on ...

Could anyone give some advice on how to make it a bit easier to construct/read/manage?任何人都可以就如何使其更容易构建/阅读/管理提供一些建议吗?

If your request is that large, I would recommend creating Java objects from the WSDL or XSD and then using JAXB to marshal the Java objects to the XML. If your request is that large, I would recommend creating Java objects from the WSDL or XSD and then using JAXB to marshal the Java objects to the XML.

Mkyong has a simple JAXB example: https://www.mkyong.com/java/jaxb-hello-world-example/ Mkyong 有一个简单的 JAXB 示例: https://www.mkyong.com/java/jaxb-hello-world-example/

Note: You're going to have to instantiate and populate the objects, but I would think that would be easier to manage than the way you're doing it now.注意:您将不得不实例化和填充对象,但我认为这比您现在的方式更容易管理。

If you're using Eclipse, you can generate the objects using the steps found in this answer: Generate web service java class from WSDL in eclipse If you're using Eclipse, you can generate the objects using the steps found in this answer: Generate web service java class from WSDL in eclipse

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