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有没有一种方法可以使用Apache POI修改Microsoft Word页脚?

[英]Is there a way to modify a Microsoft Word footer using Apache POI?

I need to modify the content of a Word footer using a Java API. 我需要使用Java API修改Word页脚的内容。

The Apache POI project does not seem to support this functionality: Apache的POI项目 似乎支持此功能:

WARNING - you shouldn't change the headers or footers, as offsets are not yet updated! 警告-您不应更改页眉或页脚,因为偏移量尚未更新!

My question is twofold: 我的问题是双重的:

  1. Does anyone know of a way to do this using POI's API? 有谁知道使用POI API做到这一点的方法吗?
  2. Is there a different java API which does offer this functionality? 有提供此功能的其他Java API吗?

Can't speak for POI but Aspose.Words will let you manipulate Doc files. 不能代表POI,但是Aspose.Words可以让您操作Doc文件。 It ain't cheap though. 不过,它并不便宜。

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