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Meteor 删除 function 不适用于集合

[英]Meteor remove function doesn't work on a Collection

I'm practicing with Meteor and I can't understand why the remove function of a MongoDB collection doesn't work.我正在练习 Meteor 并且我不明白为什么删除 MongoDB 集合的 function 不起作用。 This is my html template where I created a button to remove the news:这是我的 html 模板,我在其中创建了一个按钮来删除新闻:

<template name="news">
    <input type="text" name="title" placeholder="Add some news">
  {{#each News in showNews}}
  <li>{{News.title}}<button class="removeAction">&times;</button></li>

And this is my client.js file where I created the event to execute the remove function:这是我的 client.js 文件,我在其中创建了执行删除 function 的事件:

  'submit form': function(e) {
    var title = e.target.title.value;
    News.insert({ title: title, createdAt: new Date() });

    e.target.title.value = "";
  'click .removeAction': function(e, a) {

I can't really understand why it doesn't work, I tried a lot of changes but nothing worked, when I click the "X" button nothing is happening.我真的不明白为什么它不起作用,我尝试了很多更改但没有任何效果,当我单击“X”按钮时没有任何反应。

Most probably the issue is that this._id is not defined.最有可能的问题是 this._id 没有定义。 I think you are not using blaze the correct way.我认为您没有以正确的方式使用 blaze。 I'm not a blaze user but I think this will work.我不是 blaze 用户,但我认为这会起作用。

<template name="news">

    <input type="text" name="title" placeholder="Add some news">

  {{#each showNews}}
    {{> newsPost}}

<template name="newsPost">
  <li>{{title}}<button class="removeAction">&times;</button></li>

And your removeAction event listener should look like this.你的 removeAction 事件监听器应该是这样的。

  'click .removeAction': function(e, a) {

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