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如何在测试失败时拆解 pytest 中间结果?

[英]How to do a teardown of pytest intermediate results on test fail?

There is enough information on how to setup and share pytest fixtures between tests.关于如何在测试之间设置和共享 pytest 夹具有足够的信息。

But what if a test would create some remote resources and then fail?但是,如果测试会创建一些远程资源然后失败怎么办? How to make pytest to cleanup those resources which haven't existed as fixtures at test beginning?如何使 pytest 在测试开始时清理那些作为夹具不存在的资源?

You can keep a variable in class level您可以在 class 级别保留变量

class TestExample:

    __some_resource = None

    def run_for_test(self):
        if self.__some_resource:

    def test_example(self):
        self.__some_resource = SomeResource()


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