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[英]How to convert unsigned char to binary representation

I'm trying to convert unsigned chars to their hex ASCII values but in binary form.我正在尝试将无符号字符转换为其十六进制 ASCII 值,但以二进制形式。

For example:例如:

unsigned char C to 0100 0011 (43)无符号字符 C 到 0100 0011 (43)

I can get from hex to binary the issue is getting from char to its hex value.我可以从十六进制到二进制问题是从 char 到它的十六进制值。

for (n = 0; n < 8; n++){
    binary[n] = (letter >> n) & 1;}

I keep getting the wrong values because the letter is going in as its own ASCII value rather than the binary version of the hex ASCII value我不断得到错误的值,因为字母是作为它自己的 ASCII 值而不是十六进制 ASCII 值的二进制版本进入的

I think you are picking the bits one by one just fine, you just get them in reverse order compared to what you wanted.我认为您可以一点一点地挑选这些位,与您想要的相比,您只需按相反的顺序获取它们。

This works:这有效:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  unsigned char letter = 'C';
  int binary[8];
  for(int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
    binary[7-n] = (letter >> n) & 1;
  /* print result */
  for(int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
    printf("%d", binary[n]);
  return 0;

Running that gives the 01000011 that you wanted.运行它会给出你想要的 01000011。

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