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如何在 Codeigniter 的关联数组中访问单个值

[英]How to get access single value in associative array of Codeigniter

This is my controller and model.这是我的 controller 和 model。

Please help me in view pages abc to display a specific column in the table field.请帮助我查看页面abc以在表格字段中显示特定列。

public function abc()
    $svc['id'] =$this->Admin_model->getallserv($n);

public function getallserv($n)
    $sql = "select * from services where id=$n";     
    $query = $this->db->query($sql);   
    return $query->result();
 - Update `$query->result()` to `$query->row_array()`  
 - Then result    will be like `array('column_name' =>
   'value','column_name' =>    'value'.........)`
 - assign to  `$svc` and in view you can access values like $svc->column_name

public function abc()
    $svc =$this->Admin_model->getallserv($n);

public function getallserv($n)
  $sql = "select * from services where id=$n";     
  $query = $this->db->query($sql); 
  return  $query->row_array();

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