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NHibernate ApplyFilter 不过滤

[英]NHibernate ApplyFilter not filtering

I'm trying to define and use an NHibernate filter.我正在尝试定义和使用 NHibernate 过滤器。 I have looked at many other posts on SO.我看过很多其他关于 SO 的帖子。 As an aside, I am also using FluentNhibernate.顺便说一句,我也在使用 FluentNhibernate。 When I compare my hbm mapping files, they all look correct.当我比较我的 hbm 映射文件时,它们看起来都是正确的。 My filter is called IsFlaggedForDelete.我的过滤器称为 IsFlaggedForDelete。 Here are the relevant files:以下是相关文件:


<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" auto-import="false">
  <filter-def name="IsFlaggedForDelete" condition=":IsFlaggedForDelete.deletedFlag = IsDeleted">
    <filter-param name="deletedFlag" type="Int32" />

Here is an example of a class mapping file:以下是 class 映射文件的示例:

<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" auto-import="false">
  <class xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" name="MyCompany.MyProd.Models.Admin.OneOfMyTables, MyCompany.MyProd.Modules.Service, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c1c38e54126179e5" table="`OneOfMyTables`">
    <id name="Id" type="System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">
      <column name="Id" />
      <generator class="MyCompany.MyProd.Data.Mapping.Conventions.IdGenerator, MyCompany.MyProd.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c1c38e54126179e5" />
    <property name="IsDeleted" type="System.Boolean, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">
      <column name="IsDeleted" />
    <property name="Code" type="System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089">
      <column name="Code" />
    <many-to-one cascade="none" class="MyCompany.MyProd.Models.Admin.PartitionAttribute, MyCompany.MyProd.Modules.Bmc.Service, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c1c38e54126179e5" fetch="select" name="PartitionAttribute">
      <column name="PartitionAttributeId" />
    <filter name="IsFlaggedForDelete" condition=":IsFlaggedForDelete.deletedFlag = IsDeleted" />

Note that these are both added via code, using FLUentNHibernate请注意,这些都是通过代码添加的,使用 FLUentNHibernate

Within my code, I have this:在我的代码中,我有这个:

Session.EnableFilter("IsFlaggedForDelete").SetParameter("deletedFlag", 0);

var gotten = Session.Get<T>(id);

I have tried different methods to configure, but given the xml generated (which look correct to me) I can't for the life of me work out why the filter isn't applying.我尝试了不同的配置方法,但是鉴于生成的 xml (对我来说看起来正确),我无法终生弄清楚为什么过滤器不适用。 I have tried wrapping the Filter in a (FluentNH) convention, all to no avail.我尝试将过滤器包装在(FluentNH)约定中,但无济于事。

Any suggestions are most welcome欢迎任何建议


Filters don't work with Get method.过滤器不适用于Get方法。 For applying filters you should use query API (LINQ/QueryOver/hql/Criteria).要应用过滤器,您应该使用查询 API (LINQ/QueryOver/hql/Criteria)。 Something like:就像是:

public TEntity LoadByIdWithFilters<TEntity>(ISession session, object id) where TEntity : class
    return session.QueryOver<TEntity>().Where(Restrictions.IdEq(id)).SingleOrDefault<TEntity>();

Reason - Get method not always hits the database.原因 - Get方法并不总是命中数据库。 It can retrieve object from cache (session or second level) - and in this case it's really hard to apply your filtering logic.它可以从缓存(会话或二级)中检索 object - 在这种情况下,很难应用您的过滤逻辑。 So if object is loaded via Get you have to manually check if it's deleted.因此,如果 object 通过Get加载,您必须手动检查它是否被删除。

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