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如何在视图刀片中显示 eloquent 查询?

[英]How to display eloquent query into view blade?

I am querying a list of staffs from 'itemregistration' table with the eloquent relationship with 'section' table.我正在使用与“section”表的 eloquent 关系查询“itemregistration”表中的员工列表。 But I cannot display the information from section table to the view blade.但我无法将部分表中的信息显示到视图刀片。

My controller get the query as follows:我的 controller 得到如下查询:

  $itemregistrations = Itemregistration::with('section')->get();

When I check the array with:当我检查数组时:


I get this result:我得到这个结果:

 0 => array:133 [▼
"ItemRegistrationID" => 1
"RegistrationDate" => "2005-12-01"
"SectionID" => 12
"name" => "A SANTESH"
"section" => array:2 [ …2]

The section array should contain 'SectionID' and 'sectionname' fields. section 数组应包含“SectionID”和“sectionname”字段。

If I check with dd($itemregistration);如果我检查 dd($itemregistration);

it produce它产生

 Collection {#1948 ▼
 #items: array:1125 [▼
 0 => Itemregistration {#1990 ▼
  #primaryKey: "ItemRegistrationID"
  #hidden: array:1 [ …1]
  +timestamps: false
  #connection: "mysql"
  #table: null
  #keyType: "int"
  +incrementing: true
  #with: []
  #withCount: []
  #perPage: 15
  +exists: true
  +wasRecentlyCreated: false
  #attributes: array:133 [ …133]
  #original: array:133 [ …133]
  #changes: []
  #casts: []
  #dates: []
  #dateFormat: null
  #appends: []
  #dispatchesEvents: []
  #observables: []
  #relations: array:1 [ …1]
  #touches: []
  #visible: []
  #fillable: []
  #guarded: array:1 [ …1]

I want to display the result in the blade but failed to fetch the section array value:我想在刀片中显示结果,但未能获取部分数组值:

 @foreach($itemregistrations as $index => $value)                                                                
    <td>{{ $value->name }}</td>
    <td>{{ $value->section->sectionname }}</td>

I also tried:我也试过:

 @foreach($itemregistrations as $index => $value)                                                                
    <td>{{ $value->name }}</td>
    @foreach($value as $section => $val) 
     <td>{{ $val->sectionname }}</td>

But also failed.但也失败了。 The error appears is "Trying to get property of non-object".出现的错误是“尝试获取非对象的属性”。

I tried to see the values contained in the collection through this code:我试图通过以下代码查看集合中包含的值:

    @foreach ($itemregistrations as $item)
       <td>{{ $item }}</td>
       <td>{{ $item->section }}</td>                             

And it shows this value in this format:它以这种格式显示这个值:

{"ItemRegistrationID":1,"name":"A Santesh"{"SectionID":12,"sectionname":"E"}}

If I show the result with this: @foreach ($itemregistrations as $item) {{ $item->name }}如果我用这个显示结果:@foreach ($itemregistrations as $item) {{ $item->name }}
@endforeach @endforeach

I can get the name list but to get the sectionname with this我可以得到名单,但是用这个得到sectionname

    @foreach ($itemregistrations as $item)
       <td>{{ $item->section->sectionname }}</td>                           

It shows error "Trying to get property of non-object ".它显示错误“尝试获取非对象的属性”。 I dont understand why I can't get the section values.我不明白为什么我无法获得部分值。

My section model:我的部分 model:

  class Section extends Authenticatable
protected $table = 'sections';
protected  $primaryKey = 'SectionID';
 * Get the user that have agama.
public function itemregistrations()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Itemregistration', 'SectionID', 'ItemregistrationID');


Itemregistration model:项目注册 model:

  class Itemregistration extends Model 
protected  $primaryKey = 'ItemRegistrationID';

 * Get all of the owning models.

public function section()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Section', 'SectionID');


How to get display the query with section array values?如何使用部分数组值显示查询?

You can do with the following code:您可以使用以下代码:

@foreach($itemregistrations as $index => $value)
  <td>{{ $value->name }}</td>
  @foreach($value->section as $section) 
    <td>{{ $section->sectionname }}</td>

I assume, that @foreach call toArray() on Collection , so then you should handle your data as named array, so try this:我假设@foreachCollection上调用toArray() ,所以你应该将你的数据作为命名数组处理,所以试试这个:

@foreach($itemregistrations as $index => $value)                                                                
  <td>{{ $value['name'] }}</td>
  @foreach($value['section'] as $section => $val) 
    <td>{{ $val['sectionname'] }}</td>

Thank you for others' help with my question.感谢其他人对我的问题的帮助。

I had configured the right syntax to get to the values of sectionname in section array.我已经配置了正确的语法来获取 section 数组中 sectionname 的值。 I don't know why I can't use -> helper to get to the values.我不知道为什么我不能使用 -> helper 来获取这些值。 I tried the following syntax and it can fetch the values in blade view.我尝试了以下语法,它可以在刀片视图中获取值。

 @foreach ($itemregistrations as $item)
   <td>{{ $item->name }}</td> //also can <td>{{ $item['name'] }}</td>
   <td>{{ $item['section]['sectionname'] }}</td>                             

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