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Revolut OpenBanking API 身份验证和授权

[英]Revolut OpenBanking API Authentication and Authorization

I am trying to use Revolut Open Banking API and I can't figure out how the authorization and authentication flow works.我正在尝试使用Revolut Open Banking API ,但我无法弄清楚授权和身份验证流程是如何工作的。

What is the dynamic client registration?什么是动态客户端注册? Should I register the application every single time I start my application?我是否应该在每次启动应用程序时都注册应用程序? What about the certificates - how does it work?证书怎么样 - 它是如何工作的?

Does anyone have sample applications to check?有没有人有示例应用程序要检查?

With dynamic client registration you can create client ID for your application using ASPSP's (Revolut's) API.通过动态客户端注册,您可以使用 ASPSP(Revolut)的 API 为您的应用程序创建客户端 ID。 It is described here: https://openbanking.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DZ/pages/937066600/Dynamic+Client+Registration+-+v3.1此处描述: https://openbanking.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DZ/pages/937066600/Dynamic+Client+Registration+-+v3.1

With some ASPSPs you can also do this through their dev portals.使用一些 ASPSP,您还可以通过他们的开发门户来做到这一点。 Obvious advantage of dynamic client registration (compared to dev portals) is in possibility to automate client registration through out multiple ASPSPs.动态客户端注册(与开发门户相比)的明显优势是可以通过多个 ASPSP 自动化客户端注册。

In my company's blog there is an article about dynamic client registration with step-by-step guide and code snippets in Python helping to complete the registration .在我公司的博客中,有一篇关于动态客户端注册的文章,其中包含分步指南和 Python 中的代码片段,有助于完成注册

You only need to register your application once, but you can change its properties whenever you want.您只需要注册您的应用程序一次,但您可以随时更改其属性。

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