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[英]Get a calculated price of Product Variation

I created a promotion with offer type - Fixed amount off each matching product and applies to - Specific product .我创建了一个优惠类型的促销活动 - Fixed amount off each matching product并适用于 - Specific product In my custom block I get the product entity, but don't see any promotions there.在我的自定义块中,我得到了产品实体,但在那里看不到任何促销活动。 How can I get it?我怎么才能得到它?

UPD: Tried to solve this problem with via commerce_order.price_calculator service. UPD:尝试通过commerce_order.price_calculator服务解决此问题。

commercePriceCalc = \Drupal::service('commerce_order.price_calculator');
$context = new Context(\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user')->load(1), 
$prices = $commercePriceCalc->calculate($slide->field_product->entity, 1, $context);

So, calculate method returns me a PriceCalculatorResult object with 2 properties, calculatedPrice and basePrice but they are identical, as if the discount didn't apply, but I see it applied in a cart.所以, calculate方法返回给我一个PriceCalculatorResult object 有 2 个属性, calculatedPricebasePrice但它们是相同的,好像折扣不适用,但我看到它应用在购物车中。

Solved this problem, by passing the 4th argument $adjustment_types to the $commercePriceCalc->calculate method.通过将第四个参数$adjustment_types传递给$commercePriceCalc->calculate方法解决了这个问题。

$adjustment_types = array("promotion" => "promotion");

So, the final version of the code所以,最终版本的代码

$commercePriceCalc = \Drupal::service('commerce_order.price_calculator');
$context = new Context(\Drupal::currentUser(), 
$prices = $commercePriceCalc->calculate($slide->field_product->entity, 1, $context, $adjustment_types);

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