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[英]Dataclass nested within another dataclass does not update data correctly

I generate two different instances of a python dataclass which includes a nested dataclass .我生成了一个dataclass的两个不同实例,其中包括一个嵌套dataclass When I update a value in the nested dataclass in one instance (but not in the other), the same data is placed in the nested dataclass in both instances.当我在一个实例中更新嵌套dataclass中的值时(而不是在另一个实例中),相同的数据将放置在两个实例中的嵌套dataclass中。 This is not what I expected.这不是我所期望的。

from dataclasses import dataclass

class sub1:
    q: int = 10
    r: str = "qrst"

class A:
    a: int = 1
    s1: sub1 = sub1()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = A()
    aa = A()
    aa.a = 9
    aa.s1.r = "92"
    print("a:", repr(a))
    print("aa:", repr(aa))

''' Produces --
a: A(a=1, s1=sub1(q=10, r='92'))
aa: A(a=9, s1=sub1(q=10, r='92'))

I expected the nested dataclass to be updated in only the specified instance ( aa ) and for the nested dataclass in the other instance ( a ) to remain unchanged.我希望嵌套dataclass仅在指定实例 ( aa ) 中更新,而另一个实例 ( a ) 中的嵌套dataclass保持不变。

What am I doing wrong, or is dataclass the wrong tool?我做错了什么,还是dataclass是错误的工具?

What you are currently doing is providing a default value for the field.您当前所做的是为该字段提供默认值。 As that value is a mutable object, changes to that object will be visible to all instances of your dataclass.由于该值是可变的 object,因此对该 object 的更改将对数据类的所有实例可见。

What you should do instead is provide a default factory that produces sub1 instances for each new A instance:您应该做的是提供一个默认工厂,为每个新A实例生成sub1实例:

from dataclasses import field

class A:
    a: int = 1
    s1: sub1 = field(default_factory=sub1)

a = A()
aa = A()
aa.a = 9
aa.s1.r = "92"
print("a:", repr(a))  # a: A(a=1, s1=sub1(q=10, r='qrst'))
print("aa:", repr(aa))  # aa: A(a=9, s1=sub1(q=10, r='92'))

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