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向 Laravel model 添加过滤器辅助方法

[英]Adding a filter helper method to Laravel model

I'd like to add a method to my Laravel Product model which filters by name attr and returns a collection of all matching products, here's what I've got:我想向我的 Laravel Product model 添加一个方法,该方法按name attr 过滤并返回所有匹配产品的集合,这就是我得到的:


public function filterByName($query)
    return $this->where('name','LIKE','%'.$query.'%')->get();


$products = collect(new Product);

What's the correct usage of this?这个的正确用法是什么? Do I need to use a QueryFilter?我需要使用 QueryFilter 吗?

Are you talking about scope?你说的是scope吗?

public function scopeByName($query, $param)
    return $query->where('name','LIKE','%'.$param.'%');

and then接着

$products = Product::byName('xyz')->get();

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