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如何在 React 无状态组件中引用“this”关键字

[英]How to refer 'this' keyword in React Stateless Component

Am trying to create a React Stateless Components for input range day picker using library day-picker .我正在尝试使用库day-picker为输入范围日期选择器创建一个 React 无状态组件。

If I try to convert the Stateful Component to Stateless, the this keyword is not accessible, since Stateless components doesn't have the scope for this .如果我尝试将有状态组件转换为无状态,则无法访问this关键字,因为无状态组件没有用于this的 scope 。

Am very new to React and Hooks and gave my best to resolve, but somehow failed to resolve the problem, this is what I was trying.我对 React 和 Hooks 非常陌生,并尽我所能解决,但不知何故未能解决问题,这就是我正在尝试的。

Problem - Day picker range input is not working as expected.问题 - 日期选择器范围输入未按预期工作。 Always the calendar show start with current month.日历显示始终从当前月份开始。 But somehow it is starting from last year.但不知何故,它是从去年开始的。

Actual Code实际代码

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import DayPickerInput from 'react-day-picker/DayPickerInput';
import moment from 'moment';
import { formatDate, parseDate } from 'react-day-picker/moment';

import 'react-day-picker/lib/style.css';

const DayPickerRange = () => {
  const [days, setDays] = useState({
    from: new Date(),
    to: new Date(today.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

  function showFromMonth() {
    const { from, to } = days;
    if (!from) {
    if (moment(to).diff(moment(from), 'months') < 2) {
      // this.to.getDayPicker().showMonth(from);

  const handleFromChange = from => {
    // Change the from date and focus the "to" input field
    setDays({ from, to }, showFromMonth);

  const handleToChange = to => {
    setDays({ from, to });

  const { from, to } = days;

  const modifiers = {
    start: from,
    end: to

  return (
    <div className="InputFromTo">
          utc: true,
          selectedDays: [from, { from, to }],
          disabledDays: [{ before: new Date() }],
          toMonth: to,
          month: to,
          numberOfMonths: 12,
          onDayClick: () => to.getInput().focus()
      <span className="InputFromTo-to">
          ref={el => {
            days.to = el;
            selectedDays: [from, { from, to }],
            disabledDays: [{ before: new Date() }],
            month: from,
            fromMonth: from,
            numberOfMonths: 12,
            utc: true

export default DayPickerRange;

There are multiple things, you need to figure out / take into consideration while converting class based component to functional component.在将基于 class 的组件转换为功能组件时,有很多事情需要弄清楚/考虑。

Don't initialize your state with new Date() ,不要使用new Date()初始化您的 state ,

const [days, setDays] = useState({
  from: new Date(),
  to: new Date(today.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

Date format of new Date() and date format of your DayPickerInput is not same. new Date()的日期格式和DayPickerInput的日期格式不同。 So you need to keep it as undefined / convert the new Date() to format your DayPickerInput understands.因此,您需要将其保持为undefined /转换new Date()以格式化您的DayPickerInput理解。

const [days, setDays] = useState({
  from: undefined,
  to: undefined

Another thing is, setState in class based component and functional component work a bit differently.另一件事是,基于 class 的组件和功能组件中的setState的工作方式略有不同。 setState in functional component don't have callback.功能组件中的setState没有回调。

This setState is a bit wrong,这个setState有点不对,

const handleFromChange = from => {
  // Change the from date and focus the "to" input field
  setDays({ from, to }, showFromMonth);

const handleToChange = to => {
  setDays({ from, to });

Here showFromMonth as callback will not work.这里showFromMonth作为回调不起作用。 You need a separate useEffect hook which will listen to state change and run side-effect / callback accordingly,您需要一个单独的useEffect挂钩,它会监听 state 的变化并相应地运行副作用/回调,

const handleFromChange = from => {
  // Change the from date and focus the "to" input field
  //This is functional setState which will only update `from` value
  setDays(days => ({

const handleToChange = to => {
  //This is functional setState which will only update `to` value
  setDays(days => ({

//This is useEffect hook which will run only when `to` value changes
},[days.to, showFromMonth])

You have provided ref to your second date picker,您已将ref提供给您的第二个日期选择器,

ref={el => {
    days.to = el;

You should create a ref variable separately and not directly use state as ref .您应该单独创建一个ref变量,而不是直接使用 state 作为ref

let toInput = React.createRef();

ref={el => {
   toInput = el;

I have made some modifications to your code according to actual code you provided in question.我根据您提供的实际代码对您的代码进行了一些修改。


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