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Java System.getProperty(“user.home”)

[英]Java System.getProperty(“user.home”)

In this line of code, I am using the getProperty method:在这行代码中,我使用了getProperty方法:

PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("~/4413/ctrl/geo.txt".replaceFirst("^~", System.getProperty("user.home")), "UTF-8");

The result is C:UsersKamel\4413\ctrl\geo.txt which not exactly what I want as long as some \ separators are missing at the begining.结果是C:UsersKamel\4413\ctrl\geo.txt缺少一些\分隔符,这不完全是我想要的。

Is there anything I can add so that the path becomes correct?我可以添加什么以使路径正确吗?

Quote System.getProperty("user.home") :引用System.getProperty("user.home")


The issue is that both parameters of replaceFirst treat characters in special ways, because you are dealing with regular expressions, not literal strings.问题是replaceFirst的两个参数都以特殊方式处理字符,因为您处理的是正则表达式,而不是文字字符串。

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