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[英]How to use scrapy to get to the next chapter on fanfiction.net?

On fanfiction.net, this is the HTML code to get the chapters of a story: 在fanfiction.net上,这是获取故事章节的HTML代码:

<select id="chap_select" title="Chapter Navigation" name="chapter" onchange="self.location = '/s/13109220/'+ this.options[this.selectedIndex].value + '/Son-of-the-Hunt';">
  <option value="1" selected="">1. Chapter 1</option>
  <option value="2">2. Camp</option>
  <option value="3">3. Chapter 3</option>

What I want is to use this to go to the next chapter and keep downloading the text content, but the normal way of doing it with it calling self.fanfiction() recursively which would not work because of the self.storyNum += 1 line. 我想要的是使用它来继续下一章并继续下载文本内容,但是使用它的正常方法是递归地调用self.fanfiction() ,因为self.storyNum += 1行。

import scrapy, docx, time
import subprocess as sp

class FanfictionDownloader(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "fanfiction"
    storyNum = 0
    nextPage = False
    urls = []
    docText = ''
    title = ''

    def start_requests(self):
        sp.call('cls', shell=True)
        self.urls = list(str(input("Enter url seperated by a comma and space (, ): ")).split(', '))
        for url in self.urls:
            if self.urls[self.storyNum].startswith('https://www.fanfiction.net/s/'):
                yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.fanfiction)
            elif self.urls[self.storyNum].startswith('https://www.wattpad.com/'):
                yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.wattpad)
                print('Not a valid link, ending downloader.')
                sp.call('cls', shell=True)

    def fanfiction(self, response):
        self.storyNum += 1
        doc = docx.Document()
        chapters = ''
        totalChapters = 0
        currentChapter = 1
        i = 0
        for para in response.css('div#storytext > p'):
            text = (para.xpath('text() | */text() | */*/text()').getall())
            self.title = (response.xpath('//*[@id="profile_top"]/b/text()').get())
            storyId = ((response.xpath('//*[@id="profile_top"]/span[4]/text()[5]').get()).replace(' - id: ', ''))
            chapters = (response.xpath('//*[@id="chap_select"]/option/text()').getall())
            totalChapters = len(chapters[0:int(len(chapters) / 2)])
            finalText = [
                [x.replace('\u00ef', 'ï').replace('\u2013', '–').replace('\u2026', '...') for x in text],
                ['Story %s: %s' % (self.storyNum,  self.urls[self.storyNum - 1])],
                ['Title: %s' % (self.title)],
                ['Story ID: %s' % (storyId)],
                ['Total Chapters: %s' % (totalChapters)],
                ['Chapter Names: %s' % [chapters[0:int(len(chapters) / 2)]]],
            if len(finalText[0][0]) > 1:
                self.docText = (''.join(finalText[0][0:]))
                self.docText = finalText[0][0]
            if self.nextPage == False:
                self.nextPage = False
            sp.call('cls', shell=True)
            doc.save('./../%s.docx' % (self.title))
            i += 1
            yield {'line ' + str(i): finalText}
            sp.call('cls', shell=True)

    def wattpad(self, response):

Do you really need to keep a counter for the story num? 您是否真的需要对故事数量保持警惕?

I think you can just yield the next page as long as you find one, something like: 我认为只要找到下一页,您就可以生成下一页,例如:

if response.xpath('//button[text()="Next >"]'):
    next_link = response.xpath('//button[text()="Next >"]')[0].attrib['onclick'].replace('self.location=', '').replace("'", '')
    yield response.follow('https://www.fanfiction.net' + next_link, self.fanfiction)

As mentioned in the comments, you should use an item pipeline to care about "storing" your items in your documents. 如评论中所述,您应该使用项目管道来关心“存储”文档中的项目。

Here is something to give you an idea, which works for me, and that you have to adapt to your use case: 这是给您一个对我有用的想法,您必须适应您的用例:

import docx
import scrapy

class StoryPipeline:

    def open_spider(self, spider):
        self.doc = docx.Document()

    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        if 'title' in item:
            self.title = item['title']

    def close_spider(self, spider):
        self.doc.save('./%s.docx' % (self.title))

class FanfictionDownloader(scrapy.Spider):

    name = "fanfiction.net"

    custom_settings = {
        "ITEM_PIPELINES": {
            "myspider.StoryPipeline": 300,

    def start_requests(self):
        start_url = 'https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11734723/1/This-Past-Storm'
        yield scrapy.Request(url=start_url, callback=self.parse)

    def parse(self, response):

        title = response.xpath('//*[@id="profile_top"]/b/text()').get()
        storyId = response.xpath('//*[@id="profile_top"]/span[4]/text()[5]').get().replace(' - id: ', '')
        chapters = response.xpath('(//select[@id="chap_select"])[1]/option/text()').getall()

        yield {
            'title': title,
            'storyId': storyId,
            'chapters': chapters,
            'totalChapters': len(chapters),

        for x in self._parse_paragraphs(response):
            yield x

    def parse_next(self, response):

        for x in self._parse_paragraphs(response):
            yield x

    def _parse_paragraphs(self, response):
        paragraphs = response.xpath('//div[@id="storytext"]//text()').getall()

        yield {'paragraphs': paragraphs}

        next_button = response.xpath('(//button[text()="Next >"])[1]/@onclick').get()
        if next_button:
            next_url = next_button.replace('self.location=', '').replace("'", '')
            yield scrapy.Request(url=response.urljoin(next_url), callback=self.parse_next)

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