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正则表达式 - 验证结束标签 - 模板引擎

[英]Regex - Validate Closing tag - Template Engine

For a particular template engine, where user will add/update templates to send messages to customers.对于特定的模板引擎,用户将在其中添加/更新模板以向客户发送消息。

I am using regular expressions to validate each template literals having double tags, a starting << and closing >> tag in a string.我正在使用正则表达式来验证每个具有双标签的模板文字,一个字符串中的起始<<和结束>>标签。

Given is valid template engine. Given 是有效的模板引擎。

Hi <<cName>>, please make your payment of $ <<totAmt>>   
for Account number <<accNum>> given by <<agentName>> at this link <<payLink>>
The validity of this link is 30 minutes.  

Given are valid template literals给定的是valid的模板文字

Given are invalid template literals给定的是invalid的模板文字

Currently give is my workaround.目前给是我的解决方法。

First I get all template literals using given Regex.首先,我使用给定的正则表达式获取所有模板文字。

<.*?>(?!>) <.*?>(?!>)

Then loop through each literals to validate using given Regex in PHP.然后遍历每个文字以使用 PHP 中的给定正则表达式进行验证。 If any literal is invalid, so given template updated by user is invalid.如果任何文字无效,则用户更新的给定模板无效。

^<{2}[^<>]+>{2}(?!>) ^<{2}[^<>]+>{2}(?!>)

$is_tpl_valid = true; //template is valid

$template = 'Hi <<cName>>, please make your payment of $ <<totAmt>>   
for Account number <<accNum>> given by <agentName>> at this link <<payLink>>
The validity of this link is 30 minutes.';

echo '<br/> --- File: ' . __FILE__ . '#'. __LINE__ . '------- $template -> ' . $template . ' --------------<br/>';
if(preg_match_all('#<.*?>(?!>)#', $template, $matched))
    echo '<pre>';
    foreach($matched[0] as $item)
        if($is_tpl_valid && !preg_match('#^<{2}[^<>]+>{2}(?!>)#', $item))
            echo '<br/> --- File: ' . __FILE__ . '#'. __LINE__ . '------- $item -> ' .  $item . ' --------------<br/>';
            $is_tpl_valid = false; //template is invalid

Can we do it in single Regex or any better solution (in JS / PHP) to find invalid template literals.我们可以在单个正则表达式或任何更好的解决方案(在 JS / PHP 中)中找到无效的模板文字。

Thanks in advance提前致谢

To validate tags you can try this pattern要验证标签,您可以尝试这种模式

  • (?<!<) - Match should not be preceded by < (?<!<) - 匹配不应以<
  • << - Match << << - 匹配<<
  • [^<>]+ - Match anything except <> [^<>]+ - 匹配除<>之外的任何内容
  • >> - Match >> >> - 匹配>>
  • (?!>) - Match should not be followed by > (?!>) - 匹配后不应跟随>

Regex Demo

Use the verbs (*SKIP)(*FAIL) .使用动词(*SKIP)(*FAIL)

This will attempt to match valid tags then FAIL or match everything with the form <+blah>+ that are, in fact, invalid:这将尝试匹配有效的标签,然后失败或匹配具有<+blah>+形式的所有内容,实际上是无效的:

$text = '


preg_match_all('/(?<!<)<<\w+>>(?!>)(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|<+[\w<]+>+/', $text, $m);

Output: Output:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => <<cName>
            [1] => <<agentName>>>>>>>>
            [2] => <cName>
            [3] => <<<<<payLink>>
            [4] => <<cName<<>>


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