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[英]SwiftUI: navigation bar shows title for first list item, otherwise shows “Back”

I have basic list and detail views set up as shown below.我设置了基本列表和详细视图,如下所示。 The problem is that the first detail view shows "< Inbox" as the back button while the other rows show "< Back".问题是第一个详细视图显示“< Inbox”作为后退按钮,而其他行显示“< Back”。 I've tried various options and places for .navigationBarTitle but haven't found any way to solve this.我已经尝试了.navigationBarTitle的各种选项和位置,但还没有找到解决此问题的任何方法。

Main / list view:主/列表视图:

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                ForEach(userData.message) { messageSection in
                    Section(header: Text(messageSection.id)) {
                             ForEach(messageSection.messages) { message in
                                NavigationLink(destination: MessageDetail(message: message)) {
                                    MessageRow(message: message)
                }.navigationBarTitle(Text("Inbox"), displayMode: .inline)

Detail view:详细视图:

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack {
        }.navigationBarTitle(Text("\(self.message.title) (\(self.message.preview))"), displayMode: .inline)

When the title is too long to display in the space allocated for the left bar button, the system uses "Back" as the button title instead.当为左栏按钮分配的空间显示标题过长时,系统使用“返回”作为按钮标题。

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